Ivanka Trump Supports Her Dad’s Golf Tourney

Ivanka Trump’s legacy in the White House is patchy. The eldest Trump daughter held an advisory position in the administration that basically amounted to “daddy’s best girl.” And despite being a father of daughters, Donald Trump systematically weakened and undermined women’s rights in the country. Ever since, and especially this summer, Ivanka’s been bopping around and just enjoying life, on this yacht or that one, at this prince’s wedding or that Mets game. You understand. Anyone would need a break after that, and a break Ivanka has taken. 

But there are signs that the sun sets on endless summers too. Ivanka might have said that she wasn’t going to materially support her father’s campaign this time around, but there are murmurs and rumblings that she and her husband, Jared Kushner, “pop into meetings to say hi” with some frequency in the past months. 

Plus, on the more public-facing tip, she is supporting his golf game. 

The former president’s daughter was on hand with her family at the LIV Golf Bedminster competition Saturday. On Sunday, the ex-president flew into New Jersey from Iowa, where he was campaigning, to swing by the event at his club. In addition to Ivanka, as well as his son Eric Trump, he had at his side his lawyer Alina Habba, who is staring down the barrel of her client’s likely fourth indictment, this one out of Georgia. One person who did not make the trip to the tournament, or did not make a show of making the trip, was Melania Trump. The former first lady was not photographed alongside her husband, which makes sense, to be honest. She’s reportedly “better than his regular golf games” when it comes to keeping his temper in check. But perhaps she’s letting golf, Ivanka, and his lawyer take this one. Everyone needs a break sometimes.   

  • Riley Keough on Growing Up Presley, Inheriting Graceland, and More

  • Ivanka Trump Is Not Letting Her Dad’s Mounting Legal Woes Ruin Her Summer

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