Jackery, familiar with portable power supplies, holds its first pop-up store!Collaboration display with garage brand group “M16”

What’s more, if you can get a coupon only for visitors …?

Handles large-capacity portable power supplies for the outdoors Jackery is in Shibuya Pop-up store We are holding “Exploring Base by Jackery” 211003jackely_02. If you like the outdoors, you may have heard of Jackery’s name.

You might ask, “What does a portable power pop-up store look like?”, But it looks like this.


Nante Fashionable! This time, we are collaborating with the garage brand group “ M16 “, and various display spaces centered on Jackery’s power supply are exhibited. .. It is already an ideal campsite large gathering state.

The portable power supply is a gadget that is very convenient as an outdoor companion for camping and staying in the car. In recent years, it has also been attracting attention as a disaster preparedness . If a family has one portable power supply, it can charge fans, heaters, smartphones, etc. even in the event of a power outage. It is also useful to have it on hand for that purpose. It doesn’t take up much space.


The pop-up store is open until October 10, 2021 (Sun), and the location is ZeroBase Shibuya. Limited items such as the original Sierra cup with the Jackery logo, face towels, and KELTY’s bespoke travel pouch are also on sale. If you like camping, there is no doubt that it will be a happy space!

Source: Jackery Japan

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