Jair Bolsonaro's lawyer will sue Abraham Weintraub

Lawyer Karina Kufa, who represents Jair Bolsonaro in electoral processes, decided to sue former minister Abraham Weintraub, after being attacked by him again this week. Friday (21/1), on social networks.

Kufa will sue Weintraub in the criminal and civil spheres, seeking compensation for moral damages. This Friday (21/1), Kufa joined a group of bolsonaristas that has been fighting back against the attacks made on the president and Centrão by brothers Abraham and Arthur Weintraub, a former advisor in the Planalto. Abraham Weintraub wants to be a candidate for governor in São Paulo, but he does not have the support of Bolsonaro, who wants to support the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freitas.Karina Kufa posted on Twitter: “The masks fell off. The brothers never deceived me.”Abraham Weintraub responded, insinuating that Kufa had collected money to found the Aliança Pelo Brasil, a party that Bolsonaro wanted to found, but failed to collect the minimum signatures necessary to apply for registration. in the Electoral Court. “It’s true, I never deceive people. Already you… Where’s the Alliance? Was it sabotage or incompetence? Will you return the money?”, he wrote on Twitter.

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