Jamie Spears Suspended From Britney Spears’ Conservatorship

Jamie Spears Suspended From Britney Spears’ Conservatorship

The court has made a big decision regarding Britney Spears‘ ongoing conservatorship.

In a hearing held at a Los Angeles courthouse on Wednesday, Sept. 29, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny ruled Jamie Spears was suspended from his role effective today. 

E! News has learned from the courtroom that business owner John Zabel will be the temporary conservator of the estate through the end of the year. Britney’s attorney stated he plans to file his own petition in the next 30-45 days to terminate the entire conservatorship with a formal plan.

Britney was not present for the hearing. Her parents were present on the phone, but didn’t speak during the proceedings.

Earlier this month, Jamie, who has served as conservator of Britney’s estate for the past 13 years, submitted a petition to ask a judge to choose whether to terminate the conservatorship of Britney’s person and estate. Britney’s attorney previously filed court papers in July to replace Jamie with another conservator.

Jamie’s legal team wrote that the conservatorship helped the singer “get through a major life crisis, rehabilitate and advance her career, and put her finances and her affairs in order. But recently, things have changed.” 

“As Mr. Spears has said again and again, all he wants is what is best for his daughter,” his filing stated. “If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the conservatorship and believes that she can handle her own life, Mr. Spears believes that she should get that chance.”


While Britney’s attorney called the filing “another legal victory” and “vindication” for his client, he suggested Jamie may have ulterior motivates behind his decision.

As his statement read, “It appears that Mr. Spears believes he can try to avoid accountability and justice, including sitting for a sworn deposition and answering other discovery under oath, but as we assess his filing (which was inappropriately sent to the media before it was served on counsel) we will also continue to explore all options.” 

JB Lacroix/WireImage

Britney was first placed under a conservatorship in 2008. It wasn’t until this summer when the 39-year-old mother of two testified to her experiences under the court order. She claimed that her father was “ruining” her life and asked for him to be removed as her conservator.

Many fans credit the New York Times Presents “Framing Britney Spears” special on FX in February with helping to bring Britney’s situation to a mass audience. Netflix and CNN have also aired documentaries centered on the case.

Amid the public scrutiny, Jamie’s attorney maintains that his client has always had Britney’s best interests at heart.

“Since her public breakdown, Jamie has devoted his life to helping Britney meet her goals of regaining custody of her children, rehabilitating her career and being in a position to live the life she wants to live,” Jamie’s lawyer said in a statement to E! News on Sept. 28. “Jamie loves Britney unwaveringly and wants only the best for her. He will never stop loving or supporting his daughter.”

The statement continued, “Jamie does not answer to the court of public opinion; he answers to a court of law, the probate court. All of his actions were well within the parameters of the authority conferred upon him by the court. His actions were done with the knowledge and consent of Britney, her court-appointed attorney, and/or the court. Jamie’s record as conservator—and the court’s approval of his actions—speak for themselves.” 

The next court date in Britney’s case is set for Nov. 12. 

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