Jeannie Mai and Jeezy Reveal The Gender Of Their Newborn Baby

Jeezy and Jeannie Mai Jenkins have revealed the gender of their first child.

On January 11, the American TV host and the rapper shared a charming photo of a baby blanket covered in footprints with the nametag “Baby Jenkins” nearby on Instagram, announcing the arrival of their child.

Speaking on The Real,  the co-host, 43, shared that her child Monaco is a baby girl.

“That’s the part that I’m still just so overwhelmed with,” Mai says of becoming a girl mom in a preview clip for the Wednesday episode. “I can’t explain to you how many visions jumped into my head this moment I put that little girl into my hands. I thought about my relationship with Mama Mai. That already, I can’t wait to have that bond with Monaco.”

She adds, “I also thought about all the things that I didn’t learn as a little girl, that I can’t wait to teach my daughter now. There’s just so many reasons why raising a little girl is such an honor to me. I would have been happy with anything, but to have Monaco, I can’t tell you, I feel chosen. It’s emotional, and I can’t wait to raise a really strong, loving, empathetic, humorous, fashionable, fly, little girl.”

Away from that, following a day of gunbattle in the capital, more than a dozen restive soldiers announced on Monday, January 24, that a military junta now controls Burkina Faso after detaining the democratically elected president.

Quoting from a statement signed by Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, a junior officer proclaimed the suspension of the constitution, the dissolution of the government and parliament, and the closing of the country’s borders as of midnight Monday.

The troops justified the takeover on the civilian president’s failure to quell an Islamist insurgency, announcing that a new Patriotic Movement for Preservation and Restoration (MPSR) would restore “constitutional order” within “reasonable time.”

They also stated that a nightly curfew will be implemented across the country. The military said that the takeover was peaceful and that those detained were being held in a secure place.

The statement read;

“MPSR, which includes all sections of the army, has decided to end President Kaboré’s post today.

“The constitution has been suspended. Secondly, the government has been dissolved. Thirdly, the national assembly has been dissolved. Fourthly, land and air borders have been closed from January 24, 2022. Lastly, a curfew has been imposed from 9pm to 5am.

Kabore has been in power since 2015, and he was re-elected in 2020 on a promise to make the fight against the insurgency a top priority. His failure to stop the slaughter in the poor, landlocked country has sparked popular outrage.

Kabore was the target of a “aborted assassination attempt,” according to the ruling People’s Movement for Progress. It was also revealed that a government minister, who was not identified, had escaped an assassination attempt and that the president’s mansion had been looted.

The presidential palace had been “encircled” by “a group of armed and masked men,” according to the party, and the national radio and television had been “occupied.”


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