Jelly scrolling on the iPad mini 6: a bug for some, normal for Apple

Jelly Scrolling beim iPad mini 6: für manche ein Bug, für Apple normal

Allegedly the lines move at different speeds when scrolling on the iPad mini 6 on the two sides of the display and that creates a “pudding effect”. (Image: Apple)

A tester had to look carefully to see the display error. The phenomenon has now found many users, some claim that it has always been this way.

It should have been Dieter Bohn who first noticed the mistake. We’re not talking about the Perry Rhodan illustrator from Dormagen, but the founder and editor-in-chief of The Verge magazine. During the assessment of a brand new sixth generation iPad mini he noticed, among other things, negative, that the lines on the display scrolled at different speeds on the left and right. This creates a soft movement effect that has been given the name pudding scrolling (jelly scrolling). It is not the first mistake that testers found after Apple product presentations (and were usually given a name with the ending -gate). But the manufacturer denies: The effect is quite normal with LCD displays.

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Ars Technica confused by Apple statement

The technical experts from Ars Technica were able to understand the error and asked Apple. The premium group with its recognized weakness for professionalism amazes you with its answer. This is completely normal behavior for an LC display with a 60 Hertz frame rate, explains the statement. Assume that these screens update line by line and there is a tiny delay between updating the lines at the top and those at the bottom. Hence the delays. The specialists at Ars Technika reacted with incomprehension: Jelly scrolling did not occur on any other 60 Hertz LCD iPad – only on the iPad mini in question. They call this iPad Air 4 (test) and the new iPad as examples. In addition, a clear dividing line can be seen in the middle of the screen in portrait format. Therefore, the problem is probably not limited to the edges, according to the technology journalists.

Big discussion in Apple forums

While many Apple users find the complaints about this exaggerated, there are others who claim that jelly scrolling has always been a feature of all iPad mini. Other users argue that Apple could very well have gotten this effect under control, but not for price reasons. The price-performance ratio of the current iPad mini is considered good. Many state that they had to put in some effort to see the “bug” at all. Others are so bothered by the scrolling behavior that they say they have sent the new device back by return post.

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