Jennifer Lopez Glows In Coach Ad As She Models Their New Collection — Photos

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Jennifer Lopez stuns in new behind-the-scenes photos from her fall campaign with Coach, rocking autumnal hues and a cozy fit.

Just call her J.Glow. Jennifer Lopez glows in behind-the-scenes snapshots from her Coach campaign. The singer, 52, shared photos from the shoot on Instagram on October 1, which featured her in a cozy autumnal fit: a brown Coach tracksuit paired with a fuzzy caramel sleeveless coat, hoop earrings, and, of course, a handbag from the luxury design house.

J.Lo is not the only famous face Coach has tapped for its fall campaign. Megan Thee Stallion, Michael B. Jordan, and Jeremy Lin also star, modeling cozy fits for the luxury brand. For Jennifer’s photoshoot, Coach released a coinciding segment on Friday that featured the star interviewing herself(s). Jennifer interviews J.Lo (and likewise) for the delightful piece.

“She’s had a lot of interviews in her life, but she’s never been interviewed by this person before,” Coach captioned the Instagram clip (seen below). The “duo” grilled each other on a series of topics, including Jennifer’s favorite song she has ever recorded and, of course, her infamous bling cups.

“First question: tell me you’re from the Bronx without telling me you’re from the Bronx,” Jennifer asked J.Lo, in which she responded by giving the finger with both hands. She also inquired about how many bling cups she actually had, to which J.Lo responded, “You don’t wanna know.” During the interview, Jennifer also revealed that she had a new album on the way, slated for a Valentine’s Day 2022 debut.

“I’ve just recorded a new album that is a new sound for me,” she said. A Valentine’s Day album debut certainly sounds romantic. On the topic of romance, the singer and her boyfriend Ben Affleck appear to be going strong after reconciling in May following their 2004 split. A source previously told HollywoodLife that the relationship is “much different this time around.”

“It’s already much different this time around and they both seem very happy,” the source said. “They’re both giving this relationship another very solid try and they’ve both made it clear they’re not taking any BS and taking this seriously.” In September, Bennifer 2.0 made their red carpet debut at the Venice Film Festival for the premiere of The Last Duel, which Ben stars in with pal Matt Damon, Jodie Comer, and Adam Driver.

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