'Jesus was a Palestinian', say Palestinian officials

Every Christmas, Palestinian leaders tell people that Jesus was not a Jewish rabbi, but a Palestinian prophet. A recent article by Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), details the obsession the Palestinian Authority (PA) has with “all things Jewish”, including Jesus.

“Envy of Jesus’ Palestinian Authority is just one component of obsessive Israeli/Judaism envy. In fact, the PA leaders are so jealous of everything that the Jews created an entire Palestinian heritage in the image of the Jewish heritage,” said Marcus.

According to him, the PA falsely teaches its people that the Palestinians are a 5,000 year old nation that was invaded by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and yet the Palestinians survived. Jewish history falsified as Palestinian history.

“There is no doubt that the Jesus Christ you worship as God is the great-grandfather of the Palestinian people ” said the terrorist group that currently runs the PA, Fatah, on its Facebook page.

According to the PA’s official daily publication, Jesus is described as the “ancestor” of the Palestinians. Mahmoud Abbas, PA president, said in a statement ahead of Christmas that this was the celebration date of Jesus, “a Palestinian.”

“Jesus was a messenger of Allah, and he was the first Palestinian fida’i (self-sacrificing fighter)”, according to the PA daily in 2020, second God TV.

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