Jimmy Butler: Our Game Plan Is “Give Me The Ball And Move”

The legend of “Playoff Jimmy” seems to be growing with each passing day, as much as Jimmy Butler wants to deny its existence. But there are few other ways to explain the explosion from the player in the postseason and the success his team has enjoyed because of it.

“I think our game plan is kind of simple in the fourth quarter, if I’m being brutally honest. It’s kind of like give me the ball & move.”

Jimmy Butler is averaging 8.7 points on 50% shooting from the field in 4th quarters this postseason for the Heat 🔥pic.twitter.com/EkVCJtHZwE

— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) May 21, 2023

How have the 8-seeded Miami Heat defied all odds up to this point to have a 2-0 lead in the Eastern Conference Finals? Their game plan in the fourth quarter is to give the ball to Butler and get out of the way. That is according to Butler himself, anyway.

Following their Game 2 victory over the Celtics in Boston on Friday, Butler was asked about Miami’s knack for big fourth quarter performances. His answer was straight to the point.

“I think our game plan is kind of simple in the fourth quarter, if I’m being brutally honest. It’s kind of like, give me the ball and move. I’m tasked with making the right play.”

That “right play” is sometimes making the right pass to the open guy, Butler goes on to say. He adds praise for his teammates, saying that they help him become the player that he is and that he trusts them in those late-game situations.

He hasn’t been wrong. Jimmy Butler has been one of the top performers throughout the playoffs, and while his numbers have dropped off a bit from his outstanding performances in the series against the Bucks, he is still the catalyst for his team’s impressive run.

“I just don’t know if I’m the best person to talk to.”

Jimmy Butler on Grant Williams talking to him in the 4Q 🍿 pic.twitter.com/G6SX2fyfrm

— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) May 20, 2023

The Heat were able to defeat the championship favorite Bucks in the first round of the playoffs, which made the Celtics the team to beat in the East. But Miami currently has them up against the ropes. After stealing the first two games on the road, the Heat will return home with a 2-0 series lead.

Miami is now only a slight favorite in the series despite their optimal situation, but they’ll be underdogs for Game 3 on Sunday evening. The Celtics come in at -4, with the oddsmakers believing that a team as strong as them has to have a bounce back game at some point.

It is in the best interest of Boston that Jayson Tatum is able to fix his late game woes. The superstar has yet to make a field goal in the 4th quarter of this series, all the while seeing Jimmy Butler dominate in the final frame.

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