Johan, 33, prevented neighbors from jumping


Chaotic scenes unfolded after the explosion on Tuesday morning.

Residents jumped from the balcony and climbed along the facade to escape the thick fire smoke.

Firefighter Johan Laurén lives in one of the houses himself – and is of great importance so that no more people were injured.

– It was total chaos when I came out, he says.

The residents of Övre Husargatan were awakened by a loud bang followed by a strong fire and smoke that spread everywhere.

In one movie clips that GT published you can see a man in a T-shirt and shorts in the courtyard who has taken command and and directs desperate neighbors who stand on their balconies: “Close all other doors in there and stay out on the balcony ”, he shouts.

The screaming man is the firefighter Johan Laurén, 33, who after Tuesday’s effort was hailed as a hero.

– There were probably 100 firefighters and firefighters who helped and tore. For me, it is not a hero thing but part of my work and it went well, he says.

Hanging out from the balcony

Johan has worked as a firefighter for ten years . On a daily basis, he works at the Rescue Service Lundby team 2.

– I wake up very easily. If the children turn in bed, I wake up by the snap before the light goes out but I apparently do not wake up by explosions.

Instead, Johan woke up to the phone ringing just before 05.00.

– Some good friends and neighbors called and told me that it had exploded and that it smelled of smoke.

40 meters from Johan’s staircase he saw how a thick, black fire smoke poured out of the building. The neighbors hung out from the balcony and were about to jump.

– It was total chaos when I came out. The residents on the ground shouted to the neighbors on the balcony that they would take a couple of deep breaths and then run out. But I know that if you take a couple of breaths of toxic fire smoke, you will become unconscious.

According to Johan Laurén, it is important to trust the building’s construction: “Fireproof for 30 minutes”

Photo: Hanna Brunlof Windell

“Easy to act”

To help his neighbors, he began directing the terrified and panicked people.

– I said that all apartment doors must be closed. You should not jump from the balcony and instead rely on the building construction. For almost all apartments are fireproof for 30 minutes.

During a breather, Johan heard the sirens echoing between the rooftops.

– Then I did another thing that is very important: To meet the staff. There are many who miss it and sometimes we can miss important minutes because we do not find the right one right away.

Could you easily disconnect that the fire-ravaged building was so close to yours own security?

– I realized quite immediately that my apartment would not be affected so much therefore, it was quite easy to act according to the situation. I think that just as I am, all my colleagues are surprised that it went well anyway. All residents helped as best they could without standing in the way of our work.


Residents received coffee and sandwiches: “Incredibly great care for those who lived in the house ”

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