Johnson: Eastern Europeans are reluctant to work in Britain because of unwillingness to work in dire conditions

For decades, truck drivers’ rest areas have not been developed by British hauliers, wages have not been raised and working conditions have generally not been improved, as drivers from EU countries in Central and Eastern Europe were willing to work in poor conditions and low wages. to work. According to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, at least this is the reason why the line-up profession is so unattractive in a country that is closing its labor market due to Brexit that a dramatic driver shortage has developed.

Johnson made a statement before BBC television on Sunday’s political magazine show. According to the Prime Minister, freight forwarding companies relied largely on “very hard-working” workers from eastern EU member states, who were willing to do this work under such conditions, and this is the reason why the truck driver occupation with these wages and such working conditions is currently unattractive

In the UK, the lack of truck drivers has led to severe disruptions, mainly in fuel supply, but there are also logistical problems in the food supply of shops. In the middle of last week, a panicked rush of shopping at petrol stations began across the country after several large distributors announced they were forced to close filling stations because they could not continuously fuel their entire network due to a chronic shortage of tanker drivers.

in some parts, long, sometimes several-hour lines at petrol stations have been continuous ever since. The situation is the worst in London and the South East of England.

However, carriers estimate that there is a shortage of at least 100 000 truck drivers in the UK freight transport sector, mainly because many EU workers have left Britain since Brexit.

According to the latest estimate from the Road Haulage Association, 30,000 foreign truck drivers have left Britain since the new employment rules came into force in January.

However, Boris Johnson In a BBC show, he ruled out the possibility of the British government allowing mass workers into the workforce to alleviate the truck driver shortage. He stated that there was no return to the “old, failed model of low wages and low skills maintained by uncontrolled immigration”

(via MTI)

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