JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Fans Think They’ve Narrowed Down Stone Ocean’s Return Date

The story of the Stone Ocean doesn’t just give us our first female protagonist in the franchise created by Hirohiko Araki, it is the last story to date that takes place in the main Joestar Universe, as the sequel stories of Steelball Run and JoJolion take place in an alternate reality. With the first twelve episodes being the first to hit the streaming service, fans believe they have figured out when new installments will be coming to Netflix.   

In the first set of episodes, the sixth part of Hirohiko Araki introduced the first female protagonist of the franchise, Jolyne Cujoh, who is the daughter of the Stardust Crusader Jotaro Kujo, who also had a role to play in both of the follow-up seasons in Diamond Is Unbreakable and Golden Wind. Framed for a crime she didn’t commit, Jolyne has been joined by allies Ermes Costello and Foo Fighters as she attempts to clear her name while also dodging the advances of Enemy Stand Users that are working to fulfill a plot that was put into place by Dio Brando and his ally, the prison’s priest, Pucci. 

Twitter User Pt 6 Confirmation, which previously had let fans know if the story of Stone Ocean’s anime adaptation had been confirmed, noted that the current airing schedule of Jolyne’s journey in Japan would have a new episode releasing in around sixty days, should it not take a break:

— Is Stone Ocean Confirmed? (@Pt6Confirmation) January 29, 2022

Aside from JoJo’s presence in the world of anime, the manga for the series has been throwing quite a few projects at fans, with 2021 seeing the start of a new spin-off focusing on Diamond Is Unbreakable’s Josuke Higashikata along with a one-shot that told a new story in the universe of Stone Ocean. This March, we’ll see two new manga stories land that will bring back characters Lisa Lisa and Iggy back into the spotlight, with each having prominent roles in Battle Tendency and Stardust Crusaders respectively. 


Do you think we’re around two months away from seeing new episodes of Stone Ocean? Would you rather Netflix release new episodes on a weekly schedule? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars. 

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