Jonathan Alexandru tells the truth about the relationship with Kira, Gica Hagi's daughter, with whom he falls madly in love on stage: “It's chemistry between us!” EXCLUSIVE

The hit play “Martha and George”, starring Kira Hagi and Jonathan Alexandru, resumes on March 3, at the Nottara Theater in Bucharest. For three years, the talented actors have been electrifying the audience with their romanticized love story. But what is the real relationship between them, behind the scenes? In the interview for, Jonathan Alexandru (26 years old), the son of the soloist Nicola and the composer Mihai Alexandru, told us about the daughter of the former great football player Gheorghe Hagi , about his famous parents, but also about the great passions.

Jonathan Alexandru tells the truth about the relationship with Kira, the daughter of Gică Hagi

Reporter What did you inherit from your parents, Nicola and Mihai Alexandru? How hard or easy was it to get through as a soloist, as an actor, as a newcomer, and as a composer? Do some doors open more easily or, on the contrary, does everything seem difficult?

Jonathan Alexandru : I inherited exactly what was most important. The voice and the sense of composing. Indeed, I do not follow the same path as commercial music. On the composition side, I specialize in Romanian, classical and film music. As for the vocal side, I studied classical singing and Byzantine singing. I finished my undergraduate studies, I have a master’s degree at the National University of Music in Bucharest, specializing in Classical Singing. And now I am a student at the second college, the same university, but specializing in Classical Composition. The doors opened for me more easily, but not directly from my parents, but because of their shadow. They were fair and objective, in my professional way, and apart from the moral and financial support, they did not intervene in the decisions I made. Most of the time I made the decision to be on my own and I try, in a constructive way, not to take much advantage of the image. However, I am convinced that there are many more talented performers and composers than me who deserve more of these open doors.

You are also a good actor, you continue the shows with the song “Martha and George”, for which you also composed the promotional song. How does the world look on stage and how behind it? Do you have any emotions, what tabs do you have before the spotlight comes on?

I think I’ve already reached the 13th performance of this song, I didn’t count. March 2nd will be the next one and I invite you to the Nottara Theater. Fortunately, unfortunately, many people find themselves in these two characters, Marta and George Bibescu, about whom the world knows enough, but less about their intimate life. It’s a special sensation on stage. Adrenaline, a lot of emotions that you have to control in order to become constructive. George’s role is full of contradictions and I can’t say it’s easy to approach. I evolved so much by playing him. To a certain extent, the fact that I wrote the music for the show gives me peace of mind and motivates me to play as well as possible.

You play with Kira Hagi, Gheorghe Hagi’s daughter. How did you get on stage together in this successful show, how did you meet? Did you ever forget the text and whisper it to yourself? How do you proceed in such moments? Are you still arguing, do you have different opinions?

We met through Filip Ristovski, our director and friend, who is also a good actor. He trained us both. Kira, before she left for America, and she was my acting teacher at the Conservatory. Yes, I’ve forgotten the text so many times. There were times when we had to improvise, but I think these are the most valuable events you encounter on stage. Because that’s what develops your acting side. We never argued. We still have different opinions, but we agree. Kira always makes friendly gestures with all the people. She is an admirable girl.

In the show, according to the script, you are loved. And so convincingly you enter the roles that even after leaving the curtain the spectators expect you to leave all together. Have you crossed the line of friendship? At one point it was rumored that you became closer…

I’m glad the audience’s chemistry between me and Kira . This helps us to play more confidently and lightly. And off the stage we are and remain very good friends.

“I see a bright future for Kira”

Kira studied Acting in America. Do you see her playing on the big screens in Hollywood? What qualities does she have as an actress? Does Gica Hagi, her father, come to the theater?

I see a bright future for Kira . Growing up more and more, he will become a very influential personality. She is a good actress, I have had to learn from her in these almost three years since I started collaborating with her. I see her on the big screen, she has potential, God gave her the chariot. Besides, she speaks English as if she were a native. I’m not sure if her father came to the play “Martha and George,” but I’d like to. I’m sure he’d like it. I like football too. I spent my adolescence on the lawns. I used to want to be a footballer.

You released the video “Music from Ancient Romania”, on Youtube. What can you tell us about this music project?

It’s the project I rely on the most in everything I do. It is a very little exploited niche, not at all. Of course, ancient Romanian music exists, but to actually compose music from it that has an archaic character I have not seen. It is a project for the future, which can be successful. Nowadays, this authentic folklore can be a refuge, an escape. Especially since we need to return to the springs, to the old Romanian values! We are robbed of foreign influences and forget how rich we are in culture and tradition. The project is inspired by the Romanian fairy tale “The Road to Vozia”, ​​written by ethnologist, historian and theologian Mihai-Andrei Aldea. At the moment there are three extraordinary volumes that I recommend with confidence.

You are also a member of the psaltic group Tronos, for which you also wrote two carols. What is it like to sing with the Archduke? Mihail Bucă?

I feel like it’s a dream come true. Given the enthusiasm I have for this kind of music, I can only express my joy to be a member of the most famous and appreciated psaltic group in Romania. Archdeacon Mihail Bucă deserves all my appreciation for everything he does, for the potential he sees in us, in each one and which he tries to highlight. He has an extraordinary voice, very, very rare. I wrote two carols that I sang in many places, even in Parliament. They are called “Colind Arhaic” and “On the Wicker Floors”.

You collaborated for the “Pitesti Prison Memorial”, you composed the song “Agony”…

The song “Agony” is inspired by the book “Confessions from the Swamp of Despair”, by Dumitru Bordeianu, a former detainee who went through the Pitesti Experiment. A trap song, sad but strong. One of my greatest passions is this subject of communist political prisoners. The fact that I managed to collaborate with these wonderful people is a great achievement for me. In 2019, we won the Remember Youth contest organized in memory of these detainees with the song “Days Gone”. That’s how I managed to get in touch with them. I was there, it’s a place with a load that’s hard to explain. My grandfather also went to prison during communism. It is a sensitive subject, but a truth that must be revealed.

Family revelations

Your mother participated in Eurovision, as a soloist, your father, Mihai Alexandru, also has a song performed by Cezar Ouatu this year. When will you try your luck? Voice over, dial

I admit that I also ask myself, “What if I participated?” But I don’t think it’s something I’d particularly like. What is theirs is theirs, what is mine is mine.

Nicola, your mother, said in an interview that she chose your name Jonathan thinking You know you’re going to be an artist. How do you get along with her, but with your father? Who knows your secrets, who do you ask for advice or pocket money?

I get along very well with my mother. Our conversations are funny. If anyone heard us talking, they’d be amused. She reassures me when I’m with her because she’s a positive person. I am more diplomatic with my father, but I love him a lot. I care a lot about his opinions, I consult with him on almost all the projects I have. Naturally, he says things openly, especially on the professional side. It catches my attention when I’m wrong, but these criticisms shape me. I have a good relationship with both of them, I can’t complain about anything. I don’t ask for pocket money anymore, and I take advice from both of us.

You have three more brothers. Do you only have artistic qualities?

I’m not the only one with artistic inclinations. My sister, Maria, is a very good singer and songwriter, but she spent more time in the spotlight. The same can be said about my brother, Mario, who is a film music composer, but also a good singer. Andrei, the other brother, is not a musician, but he has other beautiful qualities. For example, he is a resourceful, mature, hardworking man. In some ways, I see him as a living role model.

The play for former political prisoners

Video with Kira, promoting their play

Listen to two compositions by Jonathan Alexandru below!
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