Journalists released after five hours at the FSB department due to work on the border with Ukraine

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Three journalists – employee Ignat Bakin, photographer of the Notebook-Rostov publication Alexander Prokhortsev and freelancer Gleb Golod were detained in the village of Kuibyshevo, Rostov Region, near the border with Ukraine. The border guards stopped them on the street and made claims for working without special passes. An administrative case was opened against the journalists and after several hours in the department they were released.

Without permission FSB

“These persons conducted interviews with local residents about the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border, as well as photography,” the detention of journalists in the Don border department of the FSB was explained to 161.RU.

According to the press service of the department, media representatives were detained in the border zone for violating the border regime. Cases were initiated against journalists on administrative offenses under the first part of Article 18.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation of the rules for entry (passage) into the border zone, temporary stay, movement of persons and (or) vehicles in the border zone), the maximum punishment for which is a fine of up to a thousand rubles.

“ journalist Ignat Bakin was released from the FSB border service department in the Rostov region, where he, along with his colleagues, photographer of the Notebook-Rostov publication Alexander Prokhortsev and freelancer Gleb Golod — spent five hours. They were given protocols with a warning about a ban on working in the border zone without special passes, ” reported. the village of Kuibyshevo for work. The publication emphasized that the employees did not cross the Ukrainian border and worked exclusively in Russia. The border guards stopped them on the street and made claims for working without special passes. However, there were no signs around indicating the zone where one had to work with passes.

After that, all three journalists were detained without the use of force and taken to the department of the border service of the FSB. There, they were asked not to use their phones and questioned individually for several hours about their work. And then they released us.

“They let us go, everything is in order. Details later. Thank you all for your concern, ”Gleb Golod wrote on his Facebook page.

They asked about his personal life

The first about the detention was the publication “RBC Rostov” freelancer Gleb Golod said. He managed to get in touch at about 16.00.

Source 161.RU specified that before visiting any border area, it is always necessary to notify the FSB of your intentions. He also assured that violators would only face a fine.

Gleb Golod confirmed to the publication that the group did not have a permit to work in the border zone.

“They were doing regular journalistic work. The border guards interviewed Bakin for an hour, asking about the activities of the editorial office in general, as well as about his career and personal life, ” was told in the publication.

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