JPJ enhances digital enforcement, explores AI utilisation

PUTRAJAYA: The Road Transport Department (JPJ) will enhance its digital enforcement efforts and explore the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to improve the detection of traffic offenders.

This initiative aims to strengthen enforcement against violations that pose high risks of accidents and fatalities on the road.

RTD Director-General Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli said enforcement officers would also increase their checks at key locations, especially on highways and areas with high accident rates.

“This technology enables RTD to improve enforcement effectiveness and reduce offences,“ he said in a statement today.

Aedy Fadly added that JPJ would also launch an extensive public awareness campaign to educate the public on the importance of adhering to road safety regulations.

He said the programme would target young and high-risk drivers, focusing on safety aspects such as wearing seat belts, driving at safe speeds, and being responsible on the road.

Additionally, he said that JPJ is collaborating with other authorities to enhance road infrastructure nationwide and ensure all vehicles adhere to safety standards.

He said that regular inspections and strict safety checks would continue, particularly for public and commercial vehicles.

Aedy Fadly emphasised that JPJ would continue strengthening cooperation with transportation companies and industry associations to ensure adherence to road safety regulations.

He said that by implementing stricter measures on commercial vehicles such as buses and lorries, JPJ hopes to reduce accidents involving large vehicles on the roads.

He highlighted that road safety is a collective responsibility shared by authorities, drivers, riders, and all road users.

He encouraged everyone to take responsibility for safety by following traffic rules and behaving responsibly on the road.

“JPJ will continue to strengthen enforcement and education efforts to make Malaysia’s roads safer for everyone.

“We are dedicated to lowering accident rates and ensuring a safer environment for future generations,“ he said.

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