Judge releases construction of tall buildings on the edge of Conde

Praia de Jacumã (Photo: Leandro Santos/Disclosure/Secomd)

The judge Oswaldo Trigueiro do Valle Filho monocratically suspended a decision by the Single Court of the District of Conde, in Greater João Pessoa, and reauthorized the construction of tall buildings on the edge of the city.

On January 13 of this year, Judge Lessandra Nara Torres Silva, from the Single Court of Conde, had temporarily suspended the Complementary Law (001/2021) which changes the zoning and land use in Conde. The law was approved by the Chamber and sanctioned by Mayor Kátia Pimentel (Pros).

The Complementary Law (01/2021) allows the construction of buildings of up to three floors on the waterfront, plus houses in areas overlooking the sea and buildings with more than seven floors, at a distance greater than 500 meters from the sea.

A Public Civil Action against the law was filed by the Association of the Tabajara Indigenous People of Paraíba and the Association of Residents of Gurugi I, in Conde.

However, the judge explained that the counterclaim filed by these associations could not be a Public Civil Action, but a Direct Action of Unconstitutionality.

“The Bill under discussion at the Conde City Council does not create new areas or expand them, it only changes constructive parameters, not justifying the allegations that it could interfere in areas of indigenous or quilombola lands, since these are preserved through a Specific Zone”, explained the judge when justifying the decision. Appeal.

The post Desembargador releases construction of tall buildings on the edge of Conde first appeared on Portal Correio .

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