Just gonna leave this here

I don’t know an employer who does not willingly commit wage theft.

Some seem to think labour laws or civil laws are merely a suggestion that is to be broken so long as they don’t get caught.

When I was 16 I stole a day old Danish from work that was going to be tossed anyways and gave it to a homeless man.

I was given the paperclip lecture when I was caught on cam.

“If every employee stole a paperclip sure it would only cost a few dollars. But if they do that every day that is thousands of stolen dollars they did not earn!”

Problem is employers don’t see how stealing even a minute nevermind the regular not paying overtime when due, under staffing, under paying, demanding employees skip breaks or suggesting breaks don’t apply, all are crates of paperclips stolen from their wealth creators (workers).

How in this day and age can anyone respect any company that steals daily?

Capitalism has got to go!

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