Juventus KMT, led by P. Miller and M. Gecevičius, started the March victory against the Milk Stars

The first Citadele King Mindaugas Cup (KMT) Group B match between Utena Uniclub Casino-Juventus (1/0) and Pasvalys Milk Stars (0/1) took place on Wednesday in Pasvalys.

The result of Uniclub Casino-Juventus led by Žydrūnas Urbonas 85:75 (23:19, 17: 16,17: 15 (28)

The match started with successful attempts of Utena guests to attack their opponents in the penalty area – after playing just a few minutes, Uniclub Casino-Juventus took the lead with the result 10: 3 . Still, Mantas Šernius’ students stabilized the situation and reduced their lag to 4 points (23:19)

The second quarter of the match was not very successful. The guests from Utena with Patrick Miller in the lead increased their advantage and for the first time in today’s match accumulated a double-digit advantage (38:28). At the end of the quarter, the Milk Stars shone again – Arno Beručka’s long shot with a siren reduced the homeowners’ lead to 5 points. and had a clear team leader, P.Miller. The defender managed to score 14 points without losing a single throw from the game. Errors were caused by the mistakes of Ž.

After the big break, the guests from Utena again locked in the attack of the hosts of the square, when in 6 minutes of the quarter they allowed Pasvalys to score only two points (50:37). When it seemed that Pasvalys ‘”Milk Stars” were gradually losing all chances to fight for the victory in today’s match, M. Šernius’ students, in just one minute at the end of the quarter, held a spurt 8: 0 and reduced their lag to 7 points, thus leaving a lively intrigue.

In the fourth quarter, the Pasvalys spurt continued when Koniev struck a three-pointer (57:53), and Joshua Shelby’s goal was further reduced by a goal-scoring penalty (59:50). : 56). However, the students of Ž. Urbonas did not come closer to the rivals: P. Miller and M. Gecevičius took the initiative and quickly gave the Uniclub Casino-Juventus team a double-digit advantage (66:56). Although A.Beručka’s long throws reduced the lag of the Pasvalys team to a one-digit difference (78:69), the Pasvalys team failed to reap any more benefits – the Utena team celebrated the victory with the result 85:75.

Uniclub Casino-Juventus: Patrick Miller 25, Martynas Gecevičius 21, Ignas Vaitkus 11 (3/3 trit.), Tomas Lekūnas 9, Mindaugas Kupšas 8 (8th rep., 4 res.), Vytautas Šulskis 6 (6 res., 5 res.).

“Milk stars”: Arnas Beručka 13 (4th chamber), Vladimir Koniev 12 (9th section), Joshua Selby 9, Kristapas Gluditis and Simas Jarumbauskas – 8 each

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