K-Drama Flashback: ‘Something in the Rain’

The 2018 K-drama—centered on a toyboy connection—remains highly topical for the way it addresses cultural taboos, notably those concerning relationships

A moment from ‘Something in the Rain,’ starring Son Ye-jin as Yoon Jin-ah (left) and Jung Hae-in as Seo Joon-hee (right). Photo: Courtesy of JTBC

While it’s ideal for couples to be a few years apart in age, so long as the man is older than the woman, this arrangement remains more “normal” and “fair” to society. Something beyond that is frowned upon. That’s where Something in the Rain comes from. The romance K-drama from 2018 also known as Pretty Sister Who Buys Me Food—which centers on a toyboy connection—remains highly topical for the way it addresses cultural taboos, notably those concerning relationships.

Cutting the long story short, it has a younger Seo Jun-hee (Jung Hae-in), an animator who falls in love upon return from a job overseas, with Yoon Jin-ah (Son Ye-jin), 35, in a good spot within a coffeehouse franchise. Since Jin-ah is also the best friend of his elder sister, things are tricky here. In a world where a man seeing an older woman is deemed scandalous, the two’s age discrepancies continuously loom large as they are dating in secret.

The instances delve into their courtship nuances and their mustering the guts to come out about the relationship, juxtaposed with a firsthand account of the odds endured by working women due to tacit misogynistic practices that are commonplace worldwide: sexual misconduct, exploitation, prejudice, and ills of sorts.

Through the Korean lens, we come into deeper contact with more taboos. Aside from the age gap thing, there are rules within the household—if you’ve led a life without parental guidance, you’re a marriage misfit. Then there are job issues—that people ought to associate exclusively with those who belong to a specific line of work, class, or academic background—that are brought to light. It’s customary, we see, to fill your colleague’s glass first, and an older woman must refrain from buying food for a younger man, lest that signals a sibling tie.

Something in the Rain hinges on all of that, with two lionized Korean superstars at the very heart of the love story—the love that typical mindset is uncomfortable with and perhaps so defines as uneasy. But let that be reserved for cynical minds; in mine, the leads’ interaction and synergy make the difference. Jung and Son’s dynamic portrayals lend legitimacy by making the heart-pounding romance, reservations, bleak moments, and closure find their essence.

If hiding doesn’t become a burden, a secret romance could offer a distinct pleasure. Of the drama, that struck me as the most perceptive. After initiating their relationship, Jun-hee and Jin-ah resolved to keep it a secret to eliminate fear of judgment and scrutiny. While their initial impression of secrecy was favorable, over time, it weighed heavily on them.

The nicest part nonetheless is Jun-hee, who loves Jin-ah most ardently. It’s such a beautiful trip to see how he appreciates and supports her in discovering her sense of self. It’s all so masterfully shot and performed from the very beginning. Thanks to director Ahn Pan-seok for employing camera angles and movements to achieve a visual aesthetic reminiscent of a movie where the actors interact with the camera like an ally in motion.

Something in the Rain is, in essence, sentiments drenched in feelings that outshine fears and pains, leaving just that “something,” the precious thing called love.

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