Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services Announces a New 8-Week Workshop to Help People with Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding Issues

Spokane, WA, May 18, 2024 –(PR.com)– Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services (OCS) has been providing “virtual” work groups and seminars for people with Chronic Disorganization and Hoarding issues and their families for over 7 years. As hoarding has become more prevalent people are searching for answers on how to curb their clutter and not live in the shadows. They don’t want to be controlled by their hoarding behavior and are reaching out for help.

OCS’s “virtual” classes have reached people around the world – with people from Australia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Toronto, British Columbia, Montreal, London, Scotland and all over the USA attending.

The new 8-week “Getting Unburied and Moving Forward” is a condensed version of the 16-week “Buried in Treasures” class that has been shown to help people with chronic disorganization and hoarding issues improve their lives. The class covers the most valuable information that is in the 16-week “Buried in Treasures” class plus has expanded information on time and paper management.

In the 8-week “Getting Unburied and Moving Forward” class clients will get an understanding on the complexities of hoarding issues, explore what is holding them back from working on their clutter problem, learn how to reduce acquiring and how to start decluttering, learn how their goals and values play an important part in their success and more.

The “Getting Unburied and Moving Forward” workshop helps people put all of the information together to start moving forward toward an uncluttered life.

The work group is based on the book written by Drs. Tolin, Frost and Steketee – the leading experts on hoarding in the country.

Hoarding is a complex and isolating condition. It is often misunderstood. It is not often talked about. Hoarding issues are not only relegated to poor uneducated people but to people from all walks of life. The group brings together people who thought that they were “alone” with their issues.

Fried taught in-person groups in Montana but wanted to reach more people that were not able to come to the class because of distance. By offering a “virtual” group (Zoom) – anyone can attend the work group and learn skills that can change their life.

The group is a judgement free environment for people that are ready to make a change in their life. The class offers people with hoarding issues the opportunity to connect with other people that have similar issues so that they can support each other.

Each week there is a discussion around a skill, followed by the completion of challenging and rewarding exercises. There are tips on decluttering and how to stop over-acquiring. Individual progress, challenges, successes and goals are monitored through the program.

If you are overwhelmed with too many possessions, are embarrassed to have people over and are ready to make a change – this group can help you get there.

There is hope – you just have to be ready and willing to take the first step.

Karin E. Fried of Organizational Consulting Services has earned her advanced Level II: Hoarding Specialist Certificate from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD).

The Specialist Certificate provides in-depth information on hoarding and how to help clients stop the acquiring and saving and stay organized.

“My ongoing education allows me to work with clients who are challenged by hoarding in a very specific manner,” said Fried. “Increasing my knowledge will enable me to provide the highest quality individualized services to my clients.”

Fried works with many mental health and social service agencies and their clients with hoarding issues. Fried also lectures on hoarding issues to many agencies and schools.

Fried started the Missoula Hoarding Task Force to bring education and support to the people of Montana.

Organizational Consulting Services provides both business and residential organizing services. As a Professional Organizer and Productivity Consultant, Fried works with a variety of clientele, from people who need just basic organizing help, people with chronic disorganization and hoarding issues, people with all types of issues such as TBI’s, Asperger’s, ADD; clients that need help with paper and time management, clients that need help with estate or life management and anything in between. Fried also provides virtual organizing and coaching to clients all over the world.

For more information, please visit www.organizationalconsultingservices.com.

For information on future classes, contact them. New classes being formed throughout the year.

Organizational Consulting Services
Karin E. Fried



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