The word karma is of Sanskrit origin and means action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law which says “every action must have a reaction”. When we think, speak or act, we initiate a force that will have an appropriate reaction

At some point in life, faced with anger, pain and betrayal, most of us in at first he thought of revenge. However, smart people know that there is a much better option.

Smart people know that pain and frustration take time. Precisely because of the high level of emotional intelligence, these people are able to wait for the first rush of anger to pass, control their feelings and make better decisions.

Karma always takes everything in his hands and give back to everyone as he deserved. It is said that a person cannot escape the consequences of his actions. The universe has an answer for every deed we do, good or bad. If you do good in life, good will come back to you, if you do bad, so will the answer of karma.

Do not keep anger and rage, she she didn’t bring anything good to anyone.

The best revenge is a smile and success

The obsession with hatred and anger is toxic. These feelings tear a person to pieces and deprive him of happiness. Nothing will hurt the one who hurt you from your success. Have fun and show them that other people’s negativity doesn’t touch you at all.

Before you want to give someone back the same measure, ask yourself if it’s worth it and will you feel better after that?

The answer to when you will always come is no. Instead of letting anger and frustration torment you from within, use that energy and turn it into the motivation needed to succeed.

Karma always makes sure that everyone gets everything deserves. When someone hurts you, don’t get your hands involved in revenge. After all, you are only harming yourself. Release bad feelings and forgive, and karma will teach them a lesson.

As you radiate, so you attract, remember that well.


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