Keira Knightley to star in Boston Strangler

Keira Knightley is to star in ‘Boston Strangler’.

The 36-year-old actress will team up with director Matt Ruskin on the project, which is based on the infamous Boston Strangler, the name given to the killer of 13 women in Boston, Massachusetts, in the 1960s.

According to Deadline, the motion picture will focus on investigative reporter Loretta McLaughlin, who, alongside fellow journalist Jean Cole, connected the murders and broke the story about the Strangler.

Knightley will play the role of Loretta in the film, which begins shooting in December in Boston.

Sir Ridley Scott and Kevin Walsh will produce the movie alongside Tom Ackerley and Josey McNamara.

In July, it was revealed Knightley was to lead the voice cast of ‘Charlotte’ alongside a star-studded line up.

Jim Broadbent, Sam Claflin, Henry Czerny, Eddie Marsan, Sophie Okonedo, Mark Strong and the late Helen McCrory have also lent their voices to the project.

The movie follows Charlotte Salomon, a young woman growing up during World War II who comes out on the other side with her artistry to create a masterpiece.

‘Charlotte’ is directed by Eric Warin and Tahir Rana from a screenplay penned by Erik Rutherford and David Bezmozgis.

The drama is inspired by the autobiographical series ‘Life? Or Theatre?’ by Salomon.

Jen Gorton, Sierra/Affinity’s Executive Vice President of Production and Sales, said: “All of us at Sierra/Affinity are excited to work with this star-studded cast and present this unique animated film to distributors across the globe.

“The story of ‘Charlotte’ is one that deserves to be told and we are confident that the massive talent of the cast combined with the direction of the filmmaking team will reach and touch adults worldwide.”

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