Keith Arthur Bolden “The Acting Professor” lands roles in Creepshow & BET’s Games People Play

Keith Arthur Bolden

Keith Arthur Bolden

ATLANTAOct. 4, 2021PRLog — Actor, Director, and Producer Keith playing the role of Boone in Creepshow Season 3 now currently streaming on Shudder. Keith has also landed the recurring role of Coach Gordon on BET’s hit series Games People Play Season 2 premiering October 19th.

Coming in 2022 you can catch Keith along side of Mel Gibson & Josh Duhamel in Bandit as Diamond Dave & Whoopi Goldberg and Danielle Deadwyler in the feature film, Till, as William Huff a lawyer for the NAACP.

Keith’s most recent work you can catch him in as Alvin Pierce in his recurring role on the CW’s Black Lightning, Netflix’s Cobra Kai, and Genius: Aretha Franklin. Keith will also be in the upcoming release of Disney’s Jungle Cruise starring Dwayne Johnson.

Keith Arthur Bolden hails originally from Los Angeles, California he obtained his Master of Fine Arts in
Acting from the University of Illinois. He is a professional actor, director and professor of Theatre and
Performance at Spelman College.

As a film/tv actor he can be seen in the hit Netflix series, The Haunting of Hill House as Sheriff Beckley,
Her Only Choice (BET)American Soul (BET) Mile 22 (Peter Berg (dir.), The
Bobby Brown Story (BET), Behind the Movement (TVOne), Underground (WGN),
Being Mary Jane (BET), Nashville (CMT), Greenleaf (OWN), The Inspectors (CBS), A Baby for
Christmas (TV Movie), Swamp Murders (ID Channel), Containment (CW Network), Your Worst
Nightmare (ID Channel), Vengeance (starring Nicholas Cage), Saints and Sinners (BounceTV), The Have
and Have Nots (OWN), Goosebumps (starring Jack Black), Bolden! (Feature Film), Vampire Diaries (CW
Network), Alvin and The Chimpunks:The Road Chip, Sons 2 The Grave (directed by Mykelti Williamson),
Containment (WB network), S#!T My Dad Says! (starring William Shatner) Repo Men (starring Forrest
Whittaker and Jude Law), Semi-Dead (, Foreign Body, More Than a Woman,
Latter-Day Fake, Federal Underdog, and The Coldest Winter

As a director, he will be directing Hands Up at the Alliance Theatre, Other directing credits include Two
Trains Running at Triad Stage.
Topdog/Underdog, Seven Guitars, Hands Up, Hoodoo Love and Saturday Night/Sunday Morning. As an
accomplished actor he has had roles in stage productions with theatres all over the country, including
Between Riverside and Crazy (Kenny Leon’s True Colors Theatre) Dreamgirls (DOMA Theatre), Baptism
By Fire (dir. Hilda Willis), The Exonerated (dir. Susan G. Reid), Gem of the Ocean (Fountain Theatre and

Rubicon Theatre), A Raisin in the Sun, (Center Theatre Group, Hartford Stage and Cape Fear Regional
Theatre), CROWNS (dir. Jade Lambert-Smith), Neighbors (Matrix Theatre Company), Blood and Thunder
(Moving Arts Theatre Company), Fences (dir. Ben Bradley), Atlanta (Geffen Playhouse), The Last Seder
(Ensemble Studio Theatre/LA), Take Me Out (Human Race Theatre), Blue, (Penumbra Theatre); Owed to
My First Love, (Premiere Stages); Picking Up the Baby, (New York International Fringe Festival); A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, (The Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis); Civil War, (TheatreWorks/USA);
Ragtime, (CentreStage, PA); St. Louis Black Repertory (Touring Company).

Keith also spends time mentoring children and young artist through his fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi

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