Kelis Craves ‘Midnight Snacks’ in New Video

Kelis has released a video for her new song “Midnight Snacks.” An aptly-titled track for the Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef/musician, the song is her first new solo music since she released her 2014 LP Food.

The snapped, grooving throwback vibe recalls Kelis’ early material and the Adrienne Raquel-directed visual contrasts that with futuristic elements. Kelis hangs with some friends in a futuristic home that also has a vintage refrigerator. While she sings about craving the kind of midnight snacks that don’t involve food, the video features indulgent treats, including jello, pancakes, ice cream and donuts. “Guilty pleasures I just can’t deny/I’m greedy and I don’t care,” Kelis sings. “Guilty pleasures I just can’t deny/’Cause I know what I want, yeah/Midnight snacks.”

“I heard the beat, thought it was dope, and the first thing that came to mind was ‘Midnight Snacks.’ The FaNaTix were like, what are you talking about? And I was like, it makes you feel like a midnight snack! And that was it,” Kelis said of the track in a statement. “It’s funny to me, but I like the fact that you can take sex and food, and you can put these two things together, and they’re totally interchangeable. I love that.”

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