Kerala Girl Set To Return From War Zone In Ukraine Along With Her Pet

She was stranded in Ukraine but she braved all odds to bring her four-legged friend back home in India.

Meet Arya Aldrin who was able to escape from Ukraine with her pet dog as missiles rained down on Ukraine following Russian invasion.

In a photo shared on social media, Arya can be seen holding a Siberian husky in her arms as she gently smiles for the camera. The caption reads, “Arya rescued her dog too from the war and brought the dog with her all the way to Kerala”.

Hurdles she overcame to bring Saira with her

But it wasn’t an easy task. The 20-year-old second-year MBBS student from Vandiperiyar in Idukki faced many hurdles in carrying her dog ‘Saira’ along with her. They will both arrive in India in two days.


Arya had brought the dog one and a half years ago when she reached Ukraine. She had started preparing to get the dog out of Ukraine even before the war was declared. Arya got the dog’s passport and other docUments ready so that they could both fly out when it was time.

As the crisis escalated to war, Arya along with Saira shifted to a bunker. The very next day, she compromised on her own security and was outside amid war conditions to arrange documents for the dog’s travel.

Arya then travelled by a bus to the neighbouring Romania on Sunday and then walked 12 kms to the border.

At the borders Romanian soldiers seized the dog. However, Arya asserted that she will only move with her dog. Later, the soldiers allowed her to take her dog. From there they went to Romanian airport. 

indian-students ukraineIndian embassy in Ukraine

All praises for Arya

Education minister V Sivankutty took to his social media to appreciate Arya for her efforts.

“She is an epitome of humanity,” he said.  

A user praised Arya’s efforts to save her pet. The comment read, “Ukraine President didn’t run away leaving his citizens. She too didn’t run away leaving her dog alone in the war zone.”

Arya rescued her dog too from the war and brought the dog with her all the way to Kerala ❤️#UkraineRussiaWar

— Puncturewala (@mallucomrade) February 28, 2022

A person wrote, “This is so heartwarming. God bless such compassionate souls.”

This is so heartwarming!!! God Bless such compassionate souls!

— .𝓑𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓪🇮🇳 (@bidishalolo) February 28, 2022

Praising Arya for her efforts, another user said, “Hats off to this loving child.”


Hats Off to this loving Child.

— Anthony Fernandes (@Toe_n_nee) February 28, 2022

According to news reports, Arya is a student at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in Vinnytsya, Ukraine.

Earlier, Rishabh Kaushik, a third-year engineering student stuck in Ukraine had pleaded for help in rescuing his pet from Ukraine. Kaushik had refused to leave the country without his pet dog.

Russian invasion

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday. Several Indian students remain stuck in eastern parts of Ukraine, which is most affected by the Russian military offensive.

On Monday, the government said that of the estimated 20,000 Indian nationals who were present in Ukraine about 8,000 have left the country since its first advisory earlier this month.

For more on news and current affairs from around the world, please visit Indiatimes News. 

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