Keren Noy acquires 40% of the public transportation operator Nativ Express for NIS 253 million

The Afifi family, which has an express route, joins Keren Noy as a partner At a company value of NIS 380 million before the investment – five and a half years after acquiring 50% of the company from Carasso Motors at a value of NIS 136 million ■ Keren Noy: “The increase in the company’s value reflects a significant leap and expansion in its business”

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רן שלח, גיל-עד בושביץ ופיני כהן, מנהלי קרן נוי Ran Shelach, Gil-Ad Boshevitz and Pini Cohen, Managers of Keren Noy Ran Yach Zakal

Keren Noy, which specializes in infrastructure investment, has signed an agreement to purchase 40% of the shares of Netiv Express from the Afifi Group, which operates public transportation. The balance of the shares of Nativ Express is held by the Afifi family. As part of the transaction, Keren Noy will invest NIS 253 million in Netiv Express in exchange for an allotment of 40% of its shares, and will receive an option to purchase another 10% of its shares, subject to the existence of conditions precedent. Keren Noy buys the shares at a company value of NIS 380 million before the allotment of shares, and NIS 633 million after that – five and a half years after the Afifi family bought 50% of Nativ Express’ shares from Carasso Motors for NIS 68 million, ie at a company value of NIS 136 million NIS. Express Path -…

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