KILIÇDAROĞLU COMMENTS ALLIANCES: “Third Alliance” would be great, we will get rid of Tayyip Erdoğan's language!

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Sertaç from Cumhuriyet newspaper Answering Eş’s questions, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu asked the journalist, “How do you approach the issue of the third alliance?” While answering his question, he evaluated this initiative as the search for a way of “parties that could not find a place in the other two alliances”.

“When I read the third alliance in the newspapers, if you want to be honest, I would like to express that I find it extremely positive for the parties other than the People’s and Nation Alliance to come together and form a third alliance in terms of the development of the democratic ground.

There are more than one reason. The first reason is as follows: The third alliance, the parties that could not find a place in the other two alliances, are looking for ways to come to the parliament stronger by forming a third alliance.

Secondly, by pretending that a party is included in the alliance even though it is not in the alliance, in a sense, it eliminates the accusation of one party or the accusation of more than one party, namely the HDP.

It will be seen more clearly who is in which alliance. Therefore, unnecessary accusations and arguments will be over. This is the second great benefit. In this respect, I highly recommend the establishment of a third alliance. beautiful and I find it true.

He also approved the statement of Kılıçdaroğlu Sertaç Eş, “At this point, it will probably be beneficial for the Nation Alliance…”:

Yeah. It happens to us, to the IYI Party, to other parties as well. Therefore, a party that has nothing to promise to the citizens, constantly losing ground, losing political ground, and its junior partner and its junior partner, accusing the Nation Alliance and presenting a party that the Nation Alliance is not in, as if it is in the alliance, will be prevented. So from that perspective, I think it’s a good thing. (AEK)

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