Killer Instinct Pro Series Arcade Is Arcade1Up’s First Full-Sized Cabinet

If your home arcade is lacking a classic fighting game cabinet, you’re in luck. At-home arcade machine maker Arcade1Up has revealed its first full-sized arcade cabinet as part of its CES 2022 announcements, featuring Rare’s classic fighting game, Killer Instinct.

The machines tout a larger 19-inch screen, as opposed to the 17-inch display in Arcade1Up’s other offerings. The machine will launch this summer, and you can take a look for yourself below.

Killer Instinct Arcade1UP Pro Series – Screenshots

In addition to the larger screen, Arcade1Up’s Pro Series machines also have upgraded buttons and joysticks, improved speakers and speaker grills, and cosmetic features like chrome trim and light-up coin slots. The company says Killer Instinct is just the first of its planned Pro Series line.

Killer Instinct is a 1-on-1 fighting game series developed by Rare, and originally released in arcades in 1994. The original also game to SNES and Gameboy in the 90s, and it most recently came to Xbox One in 2013 alongside Microsoft Studios’ 2013 reboot of the series.

Have you played Killer Instinct (1994)?

This cabinet comes with the arcade versions of Killer Instinct 1 and 2, as well as three versions of Battletoads: arcade, 8-bit, and 16-bit. Plus, the cabinet supports online multiplayer with built-in Wifi.

Arcade1Up was founded just a few years ago in 2018, and the company says it has already sold nearly 3 million arcade machines. Beyond the Killer Instinct cabinet, several other cabinets are coming this year, including cabinets for Pac-Mania, Mortal Kombat, and Centipede. The company’s previous offerings include a 3/4 version of the Killer Instinct cabinet, Turtles in Time, Street Fighter 2, The Simpsons, and more.

Logan Plant is a freelance writer for IGN. You can find him on Twitter @LoganJPlant.

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