Kimmel Worries Santa Might Be Bringing People COVID for Christmas (Video)

During his monologue on Monday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Jimmy Kimmel talked quite a lot about the latest COVID-19 news. And during all this, he joked that Santa Claus might have political leanings that make him a likely vector for spreading the disease. Uh oh!

So first, Kimmel talked up the (excellent) news that kids in California will be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in order to attend schools in person, as soon as vaccines are approved by the FDA for children younger than 11. After poking fun at lunatic parents who oppose such measures, Kimmel noted that “we’ve been requiring kids to get vaccinations to go to school for 150 years.” Then he joked “if you’re not bright enough to understand that vaccines are safe, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’re not bright enough to teach them geometry either,” referring to parents being forced to homeschool their kids.

Then he got to the CDC’s new holiday guidelines, which were announced over the weekend.
“They’re still recommending that you hold gatherings outside if you can, which will be great on Christmas,” Kimmel joked. “But if you must have a gathering indoors, they say open a window and use a fan to keep the air flowing.”

He added that fans not only “prevent the virus from accumulating in a space, they also help hide the scent of all the weed you’ll be smoking to deal with the anxiety of having the holidays with your family again.”

“I guess it is a good sign we went from the CDC telling us “by no means should you travel on the holidays” to “turn on a fan, it’ll be alright,” Kimmel continued, at which point he got to his joke about Santa.

“My concern for the holidays is we’re going to find out Santa is an anti-vaxxer,” Kimmel said. “You know, he is an old white guy in a red hat. Don’t be surprised.”

You can watch the whole monologue, which also touches on recent Trump news, and today’s weird Facebook outage, at the top of the page.

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