King & Prince updates “old play”! The Yankee confrontation between Sho Hirano and Yuta Jinguji is also “King & Prince. 』

King & Prince updates “old play”! The Yankee confrontation between Sho Hirano and Yuta Jinguji is also “King & Prince.

January 15, 2022 16:00

From January 16, 2022, King & Prince’s live verification program “King & Prince” (reading: Kinpuru) will challenge various themes in order to grow cooler and more interesting. It is regularly broadcast on Nippon Television (Kanto Local) every Sunday from 14:15 to 14:45.

The first theme to commemorate is “A new element added to the old play such as” Tag “and” Daruma-sanka fell “. Can you devise a game !? ” From the studio’s gein army corps that thinks about ideas for clearing the theme, the names of new games such as “Embarrassed Menko”, “Dharma-san writhes”, and “Shiva and Kabute Jankenpon” pop out.

In “Embarrassed Menko”, the members behind Menko A little embarrassing photo …!? Also, in “Dharma-san was in agony”, he challenged Dharma-san to fall while putting up with the super-sour Tokoroten, and in “Shiva and Kabute Jankenpon”, with Hirano Sho Hirano in a yankee. The confrontation of Yuta Jinguji is realized.

You can really devise a new game Is it? If you are interested, don’t forget to check the broadcast.

[Cast] King & Prince [Shiya Hirano ・Ren Nagase, Kaito Takahashi “High” is “Ladder High”), Yuta Kishi, Yuta Jinguji], Gekidan Hitori
[Guest] Kazuhiro Ozawa (Speed ​​Wagon), Kendo Kobayashi, Hikorohi, First Summer Uika, Yamazaki Hiroya (Untouchable), Roch

■ King & Prince. | NTV

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