Kob Paphatsara-No, Thanakorn-Nook Suthida through the floods to give a living bag to Pathum Thani residents.

The organizer of Sai Boon Kob Paphatsara invites Hero Noh Thanakorn and Nook Suthida, along with actors from Sai Ploy to go through the floods to give survival bags to the Pathum Thani brothers

with the heavy flood situation that is causing trouble all over the country causing flood victims in many provinces At this event, the organizer of Sai Boon didn’t wait, Kop Paphatsara Techapaiboon, got up to pack the stuff, arranged the survival bags and persuaded the actors from the new drama Sai Ple that were filming to give the survival bags to the victims. together Which the young protagonist Noh Thanakorn responded quickly, followed by Nuk Sutida, Ple Paradee, Tu Jarusiri, Ball Phong Anan and Pu Manthana also volunteered to travel to deliver the survival bag this time. By piloting at the Pathum Thani brothers

in this event, both the organizers and the actors went to the area to wade through the water themselves, rowing boats, wade through the water, knocking on the doors of the Pathum Thani brothers to deliver the items to their hands. the most Some even help carry things home. Even on the way, the rain will fall so heavily that we have to hurry to land, but when the rain stops, we go on a boat to wade through the water until we finish our mission. In this event, I would like to thank the headman of Ban Anuwat Jaichob, Chiang Rak Noi Subdistrict, Sam Khok District, Pathum Thani Province, who came to the area to help coordinate. Help to drag the boat together in full rain that does not back down either. However, the organizer Kob Paphatsara revealed his feelings after the completion, as intended this time, saying

“The purpose of doing this today, honestly, I want to help you do it because we see many people’s brothers and sisters. affected provinces which we have enough strength As many friends and good friends saw it, they wanted to help and join. On the fan side, they asked for a little bit of a mix to make this point come up to perfection. At first, the frog would go by itself, but during this time, I was doing a drama about Sai Ple, so I thought I wanted to invite the younger actors. And the team went with him because he believed that he might never have been able to touch the flood victims that he couldn’t really go anywhere. no eat at all we have to help Which everyone is very cute, first hung up, followed by Nook, Ple, Tu, Ball. Really Mint wants to come but is addicted to filming dramas. As for Pu Manthana, when he knows, he asks for it too. So it’s a happy heart. This time, the frog has prepared 200 sets of survival bags, but this is the first stop, so bring 100 sets first, along with 100 boxes of rice boxes. Pathum Thani Province is the first point because it’s close to where we can go. that we did not coordinate with anyone to help Throughout the journey, as you can see, we have to lift things ourselves. Fortunately, the village headman and Nong Mon, his daughter, came to see today. It impressed the frogs because we all helped each other carry the stuff onto the boat. Wade through the water and bring a survival bag. Despite the difficulties, when we saw the people’s faces, we lost our tiredness because everyone’s faces looked hopeful. He has a smile because he can continue to live his life for a while. In the survival kit, there are 5 kilograms of rice, 2 jars of chili paste, 10 packets of mama, 10 cans of canned fish and water. 1 pack, which is not a lot, but we believe that it can still survive for another 2-3 days, after this, there may be people who can extend it. We’re only looking here, and the other 100 sets are thinking about where to go because it’s very far away and it might be difficult to carry things. We’ll have to see it again.”

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