– Konami has a “remake” of Metal Gear Solid 3 underway

The website VGC reports that Konami is working on a number of unannounced games. The largest and most concrete of these is a new version of Metal Gear Solid 3, which according to the website will be developed by Virtuos Studios.

In addition, the company will work with refurbished versions of other Metal Gear Solid games , as well as a new Castlevania game. According to the website, all of the games will be announced next year.

Virtuos Studios is a studio that has focused on helping other large development studios port games to other platforms. In the list of recent games they have worked on, we find Switch versions of The Outer Worlds and Dark Souls Remastered. In addition, they have provided graphics and other content for games such as Uncharted 4, Battlefield 1 and Horizon Zero Dawn.

New give?

In recent years, Konami has had little to show for on the gaming front, at least outside Japan , and outside the football game series PES (now called eFootball). The last time we wrote about anything Metal Gear Solid 3-related was in 2016 , when the company launched a pachinko machine based on the stealth game. A pachinko machine is a Japanese variant of the good old slot machine – a machine you typically find in gaming halls.

Lately, however, there have been some signs that the game publisher is starting to put into a new gear. A few weeks ago we saw a refurbished version of the Castlevania games from Gameboy Advance, and a partnership with Bloober Team – the studio behind The Medium – was also recently published.

There was nothing of this fan game.
Fan-developed new version of Metal Gear Solid has been canceled »

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