Košice removed illegal billboards. One of the Behind the People also fell, the party defends itself

08. 10. 2021 19:00 | KOŠICE / TV Markíza

Veronika Remišová will solve the problem with an advertising agency

Bilboard strany Za ľudí odstránili.

Bilboard Party For People Removed. Photo: TV Markíza

The city of Košice liquidated allegedly illegal advertising banners in front of the cameras. One of them was the campaign of a government political party. The company from which they ordered the billboard claims that it was legal and will take legal action against the city.

did not end as expected. They allegedly removed the illegal Billboard party For People. The Deputy Prime Minister responded immediately.

“We will work with the billboard agency. If they sell illegal areas, then it is a serious problem and it is unacceptable for them to do it at all, “said Veronika Remišová.

However, the company that rented the billboard claims that

“The advertising facility was built on the land legally, in accordance with the validly concluded lease agreement, and the city of Košice acted in conflict with the law, “said the management of the advertising agency.

However, the documents that would confirm this did not show us today. The city is defending itself. The billboard was allegedly illegal and they proceeded correctly.

The advertising agency claims that the city did not have a permit from the building authority to dispose of the facility. And even if it does, it will not be valid.

The company is said to be taking legal action together with the owner of the billboard. They will seek damages and are also considering a criminal complaint. TV Markíza obtained the decision of the building authority on the liquidation of the building and we showed it to the agency.

does not relate to illegally removed advertising devices at all, “says the agency’s management.

dedicated to Jozef Demeter:

You can find the entire today’s Television newspaper at markizaplus.sk .

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