Krajniak launches new subsidies for 52 million. Seniors will also benefit from ŤZP

Finding a new job at the time of the third wave of the pandemic can be complicated. Especially if you are a graduate or a senior, you are caring for a small child or you live with a severe disability. “Healthy people aged 30 to 50 who do not have a family will find a job almost immediately. That is why we have decided to focus our assistance on those who are finding it more difficult to find a job, “explained Labor Minister Milan Krajniak (We Are the Family).

Support for new jobs in a similar form has worked in the past, but after the new one, the labor sector has tightened conditions for employers. “It used to work so that you could claim reimbursement of almost one hundred percent of the cost of an employee for a period of six months, which could then be made redundant. We canceled that. We want to guarantee the candidate that his position will become permanent, “stressed Krajniak. Working poverty. “The sustainability of the jobs created in this way after the end of the payment of subsidies, ie over nine months, is questionable.”

This worked in such a way that some entrepreneurs pushed their employees into trades, although their work met the characteristics of dependent work. Or others fired current employees and took people from the project instead. “In this way, they managed to significantly reduce their costs and thus gain a competitive advantage,” Košč reminded.

VIDEO: Krajniak o

Start from November

According to Krajniak, the first unemployed can find work supported by these contributions from 1 November this year. “We think we will employ the 14,000 people by the beginning of next year,” the minister estimates.

in this state. Union Secretary Martin Hošták tells Pravda that filling vacancies is difficult for companies and the supply of qualified people is weak, which in practice often forces them to go at the expense of quality – to accept people without the necessary education or experience.

“Such programs have a positive advantage in that disadvantaged groups can get into work processes, give them better habits or qualifications and keep them on the market,” he explains. According to Hošták, it is questionable how successful the measures will be in practice. “Especially when it comes to the new conditions, we won’t see it for a few months. In addition, these financial resources are very limited, they will not bring systemic change, “Hošták points out.

According to the ministry, employers will be able to receive a contribution from this scheme for a maximum of four new employees.” We try to target the aid so that it is not limited to selected large employers, which is why the number of jobs is limited so that more entrepreneurs can receive support for new employment, “concluded Karol Zimmer, Director General of the Center for Labor, Social Affairs and Family. throughout Slovakia, each regional labor office has to equip about 300 new jobs.

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Martin Kahanec, founder Central European Institute for Height m work, however, points out that the main problem, the demand for skilled people, the scheme does not solve. “In view of the structural changes in the labor market, I therefore see higher added value in programs that would help workers adapt to the changing needs of the labor market,” says the economist.

Martina Nemethová, a spokeswoman for the Confederation of Trade Unions, also points out this problem: “The proposed measures may partially compensate for the increased unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In general, however, according to Nemethová, it can be assumed that after the effects of the pandemic and the economic recovery, the unemployment rate will return to pre-crisis levels and Slovakia will sooner to struggle with labor shortages. “Measures should therefore be aimed in particular at jobseekers who are unable to find a job on the labor market in the long term. We would appreciate structural reforms and long-term measures that will reflect Slovakia’s long-term problems in the context of future challenges, “adds the spokesperson for trade unionists.

Three forms of assistance

The new support scheme of the Ministry of Labor will be designed for three types of applications.

The first option=====is support for beginning self-employed persons or SZČO. Self-employed farmers, provided that they carry out this activity continuously for at least two years.

“Contributions to start a business for self-employed persons and SZČO have been suspended for more than a year due to the pandemic situation. trade association. The request is simple. The unemployed person submits to the labor office a written application for the provision of a contribution, a business plan and a calculation of the costs of the planned business activity. Once the conditions are met, the Office will then pay him a contribution of EUR 5,600. The condition is that SZČO is a disadvantaged job seeker and at the same time kept in the records of the office for at least one month. In the case of a disadvantaged jobseeker with a university degree, he must be registered for at least three months. The condition is also the continuous operation of the activity for at least two years. In the event that a citizen ceases to be in business before the expiry of two years, he / she will be obliged to return a proportional part of the provided contribution to the Office.

The second type of=====assistance is support for the creation of new jobs for the registered disadvantaged unemployed in various areas. In this case, it is a contribution of a maximum of EUR 3 700 for four months per staff member, including his mentor, whose role is to train the staff member for the post. In this case, the allowance is intended for the employment of a disadvantaged jobseeker or unemployed person under the age of 30, and must take up employment no later than one day before the completion of a round birthday. The aid will have two components. The first will be the payment of part of the total cost of the work of a staff member who has been recruited full-time for an indefinite period, up to a maximum of EUR 715 per month, for four months. The second part will, during the same period, consist of a contribution to the mentor’s salary of a maximum of EUR 210 per month per menteeed employee. Mentored training, ie the acquisition of theoretical and practical experience under the guidance of another employee, must be followed by a two-month internship.

The third type of=====assistance is an admission allowance for the employment of a disadvantaged candidate in the amount of a maximum of EUR 3 300, the employment relationship being indefinite a period of at least nine months. In this case, too, they must have been on the register for at least one month, and in the case of higher education, the applicant must have at least three months. The employer may receive a contribution to cover part of the total price of the employee’s work, up to a maximum of EUR 550 per month. The condition is the filling of the created job by such a job seeker, at least to the extent of half of the established weekly working time and for an indefinite period. The financial contribution will be provided for a maximum of six months.

The future of labor offices faces conflict

Minister of Economy Richard Sulík (SaS) on Thursday after the government meeting he stabbed the ax nest. He said that as part of the tightening of belts, which will be necessary with the setting of next year’s budget, it may be time for the government to start making bolder decisions, such as abolishing employment offices. “At a time when someone is looking for a job, all they have to do is browse the portal of one of the job providers,” he said. he wants a job, “he says.

The next day, Labor Minister Milan Krajniak told Sulík that he would rather expect to thank the officials. “They helped the Slovak economy, paid whole weekends and holidays in excess of working hours, first aid benefits during a pandemic, it was millions and millions of euros. It is the most functional administrative unit of the state, “the minister of his employees said.” If the Minister of Economy Richard Sulík proposes the abolition of labor offices, then we think the abolition of the Ministry of Economy is a better step, “Krajniak also referred to the social network.

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