Labadi beachfront: Ablakwa’s allegations beyond reprehensible, unfortunate – Kwame Blay

Kwame Blay, the son of former National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Freddie Blay, has strongly criticized Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa over allegations concerning the acquisition of the Labadi beachfront, describing them as “beyond reprehensible and unfortunate.”

Ablakwa accused the Blay family of attempting to unlawfully acquire land belonging to the state-owned Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra.

In response, the former National Chairman of NPP demanded an apology from Ablakwa, journalist Johnnie Hughes, and the management of Media General, threatening legal action if his demands were not met.

Ablakwa, however, remained defiant, urging Blay to proceed to court and promising more revelations about the alleged state capture.

In an interview with Umaru Sanda Amadu on Eyewitness News on Citi FM on Wednesday, Blay’s son indicated “We are not politicians. While my father might be a politician yes, My brother and I are not. We are legitimate businessmen, I have been in this country doing business for going on 25 years.

“I started a business here in Ghana while he Ablakwa was still in I believe either in University or just coming into parliament. So, to create the impression that we’ve gone out of our way, and we are using our political connections or our father’s political connections is beyond reprehensible and quite unfortunate.”

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