Lagos: “My role in” Tomorrow belongs to us “is extremely interesting”

The camera of the show “ Let’s go Danai! ” met the actor Constantino Lago , who stars in his daily series MEGA « Tomorrow Belongs to Us ».

Konstantinos Lagos stated: « A friend who we have worked with in the past suggested that I do a rehearsal for “Tomorrow belongs to us” and then we moved on. My role is extremely interesting. It’s something I have not approached again. Paschalis is the offspring of a bourgeois family. We know he has a past that torments him. “He begins to fall in love with his bride, he has a huge weakness in his nephew”, he said about his role in the new favorite series of the big channel, “Tomorrow belongs to us”.



“My abstention from Greek fiction started unintentionally from an accident that I was hit a lot and I had to stay out of work for a while “, he explained, while he also spoke about” Stolen Dreams “, the great success of MEGA in which he participated.
“From this job I remember the great friendships I still have. In a daily serial, you become a family with your collaborators “, said the favorite actor.
Speaking about his participation in movie “The stork’s meteoric step” when he was a child, he said that “My participation in the movie” The stork’s meteor step “when I was 9 years old I think was the reason I became an actor. I still have the image of Marcello Mastroianni in my mind. He was a modest, humble and very disciplined man. “
Referring to the Greek #MeToo, he said that” In level of collaboration I did not have any traumatic experience in the theater. However, hints and moves have occurred, such as intense flirting “, while he revealed that he wants to start a family.
” The Last winter I made a movie with Vassilis Tsikaras. It was a historical film about World War II and is called Operation Star. “Now I am participating in a film about the Holocaust of Samothrace, called ‘Five'”, he noted in closing.


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