Last month's election polls: Who is the favorite of the parliamentary elections?

The parliamentary elections await the Czech Republic at the end of this week. The favorite is clear, it is also clear that at least four candidates will receive seats. What have surveys shown in the last month?

1. place: YES (on average 27.3%) Babiš’s YES movement is likely to win the election, but its support is waning. This is best documented by the last two surveys from the STEM agency, when at the beginning of September the preferences showed 32.4%, at the end of the month only 27.3%. In the other two models, YES reached 25 and 24.5%, respectively. 2. place: TOGETHER / ODS, KDU-ČSL, TOP 09 (21.6%) The stronger of the opposition coalitions performed best in a survey by Kantar, where it gained 23%. At STEM, it improved by one and a half percent in September from 20% to 21.4%. The TOTAL outcome appears to be between one-fifth and one-quarter of the total number of votes cast. 3. place: Pirates and Mayors (19.2%) Pirates and Mayors were at the forefront of reconnaissance at one time, but are declining over time. They are currently around twenty percent. They performed best in the Data Collect model, where they had 21%. In contrast, in the current STEM survey, they reached only 17.4%. 4. Location: SPD (11.2%) The SPD movement led by Tom Okamura has stable support. According to the latest survey, the subject would gain as much as 12.3%. It is certain that the SPD is the fourth and last entity with certainty of mandates in the Chamber of Deputies. The KSČM, ČSSD, Přísaha and Tricolor Free Privateers are moving around the 5% threshold required to enter the Chamber of Deputies.

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