Launching cooperation projects between the “Finance” and international development partners to support the “Universal Health Insurance”


Signing the Partnership
Follow the latest news via Dr. Muhammad confirmed Maait, Minister of Finance, President of the General Authority for Comprehensive Health Insurance, that the Corona pandemic highlighted the importance of having strong and flexible health systems capable of achieving financial sustainability without exposure to economic fluctuations, or imposing financial pressures on citizens, and these are the pillars on which the insurance system was designed. Comprehensive health in its commitment to ensuring universal health coverage for all Egyptians. This came in Maait’s speech during an expanded meeting in the presence of Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation; To launch cooperation projects between the Ministry of Finance and international development partners (the World Bank, the French Development Agency, the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the World Health Organization); With the aim of launching financial and technical support for the comprehensive health insurance system with Egypt’s development partners, amounting to approximately one billion dollars, and it is expected that a total of approximately 402 million dollars will be available and start drawings during the next few months.

The Minister of Finance said: “The launch of this event comes within the framework of our interest in the areas of technical and financial cooperation aimed at implementing the comprehensive health insurance system in Egypt, and our sincere gratitude for the efforts of our development partners and their continuous support for the implementation of the system, and the recent field visit of the four delegations of our international partners to the governorate. Port Said, which was coordinated by the Ministry of Finance, confirms the keenness of international bodies to cooperate with Egypt in implementing the comprehensive health insurance system that began in Port Said governorate in 2019, and work is currently underway to implement it in the governorates of Luxor, Ismailia and South Sinai. The Minister stressed, that this Efforts are consistent with presidential directives by pressing the timetable to complete the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system in all governorates within only 10 years, instead of 15 years; Which contributes to laying the foundations of a good system that extends the umbrella of integrated health care to all members of the Egyptian family. In a way that protects them from the risks of diseases and the physical and psychological burden associated with the high direct health expenditures borne by the individual. Maait added that the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system represents a turning point in the government’s program; It contributes to achieving inclusive growth, as part of its efforts to lay the foundations for sustainable development in the light of the “Egypt Vision 2030” in line with the “United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030” and the “Africa 2063” agenda. He explained that this effective investment in the sectors of health, education and protection Social is a priority for sustainable development, pointing out that these three sectors guarantee the highest yield in human capital and improve productivity indicators in the long term.
Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, said that the health sector is one of the main sectors that the state seeks To develop it to achieve development, as it is one of the sustainable development goals that the world seeks to achieve by 2030, noting that the government is moving forward towards developing the health care sector through national efforts to implement the comprehensive health insurance system and strengthen the sector’s infrastructure.
and directed the Minister International Cooperation, thanks to the Ministry of Health for the efforts made It did it during the Corona pandemic to provide all the necessary health care tools and implement the necessary measures to preserve the health of citizens, which was praised by many international institutions, explaining that dealing during the Corona pandemic showed the resilience of the health sector in Egypt and its ability to meet requirements and face sudden shocks. She indicated that the Ministry of International Cooperation is working to advance the state’s efforts to develop the health sector through international partnerships with multilateral and bilateral development partners, and with the onset of the Corona pandemic, it has launched a platform for joint coordination cooperation for the health sector to enhance development cooperation in order to support the state’s efforts and its emergency plan to combat The pandemic, whether through development funds or providing the necessary preventive supplies for the sector.
Al-Mashat added that the Ministry of International Cooperation has matched development funds with the sustainable development goals, and the ministry’s ongoing portfolio includes 32 projects in the health care sector, worth $1.4 billion. In order to achieve the third goal of the sustainable development goals, which is And good health and well-being, explaining that the ministry is working to enhance joint work with development partners to integrate with the state’s efforts regarding the comprehensive health insurance project. She stated that despite the fact that the health sector did not acquire a large proportion of the ongoing development funds agreed upon by the Ministry, where the proportion constitutes 5.6%, however, in light of the state’s efforts to move forward with the implementation of its vision to develop the health care sector in a way that improves productivity and raises the level of services provided to citizens, this will represent an opportunity to intensify cooperation with development partners with the aim of consolidating partnerships specific to the sector.
attended the meeting on behalf of the Ministry of Finance Ahmed Kjok, Deputy Minister of Finance for Macro Policies, Dr. Ihab Abu Eish, Deputy Minister of Finance for Public Treasury Affairs, Vice President of the General Authority for Universal Health Insurance, Ambassador Hossam Hussein, Advisor to the Minister of Finance for External Relations, and Mai Farid, Deputy Minister for Economic Justice, Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Authority Comprehensive health insurance.

All sides praised The international participation in this meeting played the role of the Ministry of Finance in supporting the comprehensive health insurance system, stressing the ministry’s role in facilitating their participation in implementing technical and financial support activities with the General Authority for Comprehensive Health Insurance and other government agencies concerned with the system. said Marina Weiss, Director of the World Bank’s Regional Office To Egypt, Yemen and Djibouti: “We are proud of our partnership with Egypt in its ambitious journey to enhance human capital and achieve universal health coverage,” explaining that this support represents part of a broader package of our continuous support for Egypt’s efforts to improve the lives of citizens, and contributes to extending the umbrella of comprehensive health insurance in 6 governorates, strengthen governance and support institutions related to universal health coverage, and provide temporary financial protection in the face of high private health expenditures borne by the disadvantaged segments of the population.”
Dr. Fabio Grazzi, Regional Director of the French Development Agency in Egypt, added that through Development finances related to reforming the social protection and governance system in Egypt The French Development Agency aims to support the Egyptian government in achieving very ambitious results from the perspective of social inclusion by extending the coverage of the comprehensive health insurance system in 6 governorates, and achieving financial sustainability of reform initiatives. He stressed that the technical assistance program provided by the French Development Agency is highly integrated. With the Agency’s financial support program specifically designed to assist entities responsible for implementing reform. He added that the field visit in which the French Development Agency participated last week to Port Said governorate provided the opportunity to witness the remarkable progress made by the team of the Economic Justice Unit at the Ministry of Finance, under the generous sponsorship of Dr. Mohamed Maait, the Minister of Finance in advancing the reform agenda.
Dr. Naima Al-Qasir, WHO Representative in Egypt, said: “On behalf of the World Health Organization, we commend the efforts of the Egyptian government to provide comprehensive health care for all citizens, and we remain committed to supporting the quest of The goal is to achieve universal health coverage as the focus of all sustainable development goals. She stressed that the comprehensive health insurance law stimulates great progress Towards achieving universal health coverage in Egypt, by protecting the health of all Egyptians by providing high-quality health services.

She added that the process of gradual implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system is an investment that requires a major institutional transformation and requires effective and sustainable coordination among all national, regional and international stakeholders, Including civil society, the private sector and development partners.
Yoshifumi Omura, the main representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) office in Egypt, said that JICA shares the Egyptian government’s priority in achieving universal health coverage to ensure that all people have access to health services. High quality without facing financial difficulties.
He praised the achievements on the ground with universal health coverage, stressing JICA’s keenness to cooperate with the Egyptian government, and Japan’s belief in the important role played by the universal health insurance system (UHIS) in achieving sustainable development. For countries and societies through Tar’s experience An extended family from the application of the health system in Japan, and therefore we look forward to exchanging knowledge with Egypt.
He pointed out that in 2016, the Egyptian and Japanese government launched the cooperation initiative between Japan and Egypt in the field of health care, during President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s visit to Japan; Which paved the way for achieving a partnership between the two countries in strengthening the health care system by supporting Egypt’s efforts in implementing the universal health coverage system, explaining that we are pleased to work with other development partners to unify our efforts together under the leadership of the Egyptian government to achieve Egypt’s pivotal development agenda and sustainable development goals in order to Good health for Egyptian citizens.
Mai Farid, Assistant Minister for Economic Justice, advisor to the Board of Directors of the Universal Health Insurance Authority, said that these projects related to technical and financial cooperation with development partners are mainly managed through the Economic Justice Unit at the Ministry of Finance, which represents one of the activities that The unit is carried out by the unit to support the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system in Egypt, by communicating with development partners in coordination with the Ministry of International Cooperation and involving them in various areas of cooperation with the concerned authorities in the system, as well as coordinating activities and missions between the support projects in which cooperation is taking place.

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