Laura Müller & Michael Wendler: New property and offspring soon? |

Laura Müller & Michael Wendler New property and offspring soon? Redaktion from Lisa-Marie Feibig

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At the beginning of the year, Laura Müller and Michael Wendler share news with the fans. In doing so, they make hints that they would be happy to have offspring together.

At the beginning of December, the pop singer Michael shared Wendler (49) and his wife Laura Müller (21) with the followers that there will be a big change in her life in the new year. Many of the fans were excited and hoped for Wendler offspring.

But until that happens, we will have to be patient a little longer. Because instead, the couple announced news of a completely different kind. Until the announcement, Laura and Michael let their fans fidget a little. Two days later than announced they opened: “We have bought a piece of land!”

Above in the video you can learn more about how the controversial couple is marketing their privacy.

Laura Müller & Michael Wendler: You have bought a new property

They shared the news on the social network OnlyFans. There, fans pay around $ 30 a month to watch the couple’s exclusive content.

Michael explained to the followers: “Laura found the property and I told you that the prices are exploding here in Florida, so we are of course totally happy that we have found our dream property! “

Laura Müller reveals details about baby planning

But not only that the two of them bought their dream property – Furthermore, “a few more surprises” are planned for the year: “Now it starts with the property. Everyone can guess what will come next,” reveals Michael and influencer Laura adds: “A nest shouldn’t be long stay alone. ”

Maybe the fans can look forward to a Wendler baby in 2022. It is no secret that both want to have children together.

Noch mehr Nachwuchs? So uneinig sind sie sich bei der Babyfrage

The “Goodbye Germany” stars Marco and Tamara Gülpen are still in disagreement about further offspring, as you can see in the video. ©

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