Lawmakers call for probe on missing DepEd-Transpac deliveries | The wRap

Lawmakers call for probe on missing DepEd-Transpac deliveries | The wRap

The wRap’s highlights: DepEd laptops probe, PUV modernization, AAA 2023

Today on Rappler – the latest news in the Philippines and around the world:

Makabayan bloc lawmakers call for an investigation into the billions worth of learning materials the Department of Education has allegedly failed to deliver to intended beneficiaries.

The Philippine government secures a seat on the inaugural board of the loss and damage fund for climate change vulnerable countries.

Jeepney drivers kick off a two-day strike as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. sets a hard deadline for public utility vehicle operators to modernize their fleet.

Filipino cuisine earns the 33rd place among the 100 Best Cuisines in the World for 2023 with a rating of 4.35 out of 5 stars!

Tech giant Google announces K-pop sensations BTS and BLACKPINK are the most searched boy and girl bands in the 25-year history of Google searches.

PLEDIS Entertainment announces SEVENTEEN’s Jeonghan will be sitting out of the group’s FOLLOW tour in Bulacan.

The Asia Artist Awards 2023 sees numerous stars from South Korea, Japan, China, and the Philippines come together for a night of exciting performances and a celebration of achievements in entertainment. —

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