LCD Soundsystem to Launch Brooklyn Residency Next Month

LCD Soundsystem have announced a 20-date residency at Brooklyn Steel that will begin next month and run through December 21. The shows are the band’s first in three years. They’ll take place on November 23, 24, 29, and 30, and on December 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21.

LCD Soundsystem’s latest release was 2019’s Electric Lady Sessions, an album of live studio recordings from the lineup that toured behind the 2017 reunion album American Dream.

In a recent phone conversation with Pitchfork, while discussing the status of DFA Records and the label’s ouster of co-founder Jonathan Galkin, James Murphy said also:

I have a recording studio and I make music all the time. Whether it becomes something that comes out is always what remains to be seen. LCD is like literally opening a tap for when I decide to be part of the world. So, yeah, working on music. I don’t have a great plan for it or know what I’m going to be doing with it. But I’m working on music.

In addition, when asked if the COVID-19 shutdown impacted his plans, Murphy said:

Not being able to play live was fine because we probably wouldn’t have been able to play live then. And I couldn’t make LCD music. It didn’t seem like the right thing to be doing at that moment for lots of reasons. You know, we’re kind of a party band about a grumpy old guy making songs about music and in the middle of a global pandemic of people dying, and in the middle of Black Lives Matter, it just didn’t seem like, “You know what everybody needs right now? Another snarky LCD Soundsystem record, that’s sort of what the world needs at this moment.”

Additional reporting by Evan Minsker.

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