Lee calls for ACT donation halt, suspended affiliation during CFMEU probe

Chief Minister Andrew Barr must suspend ACT Labor’s affiliation with the CFMEU and halt donations while investigations into the union’s alleged connections to organised crime take place, Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee says.

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Jasper Lindell

Jasper Lindell joined The Canberra Times in 2018. He is a Legislative Assembly reporter, covering ACT politics and government. He also writes about development, transport, heritage, local history, literature and the arts, as well as contributing to the Times’ Panorama magazine. He was previously a Sunday Canberra Times reporter.

Jasper Lindell joined The Canberra Times in 2018. He is a Legislative Assembly reporter, covering ACT politics and government. He also writes about development, transport, heritage, local history, literature and the arts, as well as contributing to the Times’ Panorama magazine. He was previously a Sunday Canberra Times reporter.

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