Lee Chatfield, ex-Michigan House speaker, denies sister-in-law’s sex assault allegation

LANSING, Mich. — A former Michigan legislative leader on Friday denied allegations that he raped his future sister-in-law starting when she was 14 or 15, saying they had a sexual relationship for years but that both were consenting adults.

Lee Chatfield, a Republican who led the House in 2019 and 2020, has had multiple extramarital affairs including with his accuser, his attorney Mary Chartier said in a statement. He “deeply regrets” his decisions that have caused “great pain” to his wife and family, and they are working through it, she said.

“But he did not assault this woman in any manner during their years-long adult relationship,” Chartier said. “He intends to vigorously fight these false claims.”

The woman, 26, is one of Chatfield‘s sister-in-laws, her lawyer Jamie White said. She filed a complaint in late December with the Lansing Police Department. State police in northern Michigan are investigating since the accusations cover jurisdictions outside the city.

White said Thursday that the alleged assaults began when her client was a 14 or 15-year-old girl attending Northern Michigan Baptist Bible Church and Northern Michigan Christian Academy near Burt Lake, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Traverse City. Chatfield, 33, was a teacher and the school’s athletic director at the time before winning election to the Legislature in 2014. He left after 2020 due to House term limits.

The state’s legal age of consent is 16.

Michigan defines first-degree criminal sexual conduct – the most serious offense – to include a specific prohibition against a teacher assaulting a student under 16.

Copyright © 2022 The Washington Times, LLC.

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