Legend of Pandonia, the new play-to-earn RPG from Pando Software, is coming to iOS and Android on January 14th


Legend of Pandonia, the new play-to-earn RPG from Pando Software, is coming to iOS and Android on January 14th

Pando Software, Inc. has announced a new P2E game titled Legend of Pandonia, inviting players to mine in-game tokens while enjoying the game. Tokens can be converted to allow players to earn and take part in the hustle and bustle of the blockchain world while experiencing all the delights that come with a strategy action RPG.

Legend of Pandonia features dynamic asset management where players can earn mPANDO coins. These can be deposited and can be withdrawn through the game’s wallet link feature. Assets that are accumulated can help players purchase special items as well, making each playthrough a truly rewarding experience.

There are over 120 unique heroes (Fire, Water, Air, Light and Darkness) to collect and summon as you engage in strategic battles with a six-hero team. You can challenge various raid dungeons, accept quests for valuable rewards, or dabble in a little PvP as well to put your squad’s skills to the test. You can also try to collect runes in the Devil’s Dungeon or try your hand at the Temple of Hermes to score in-game gems and other rare items.

If you’re eager to give the game a go, Legend of Pandonia will be available to download on the iOS App Store or on the Google Play Store for Android devices on January 14th. It’s a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. You can also discover more about the fantasy 3D RPG on the official website, or find out more information about Pando Software to see how you can truly maximise your earnings once the game is officially out.

Are you on the hunt for more exciting RPG titles on your mobile device that will put your skills to the test? Why not take a gander at our list of the top 25 best RPGs for Android phones and tablets?

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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