Legendary actress Urvashi’s 700th film ‘Appatha’!

Veteran actress Urvashi was seen in some interesting roles in recent times. Now, she is back with a new film ‘Appatha’ that marks her 700th venture. Jio Studios presented the captivating trailer for “Appatha,†a movie that skillfully weaves together elements of humour and genuine emotions.

This engrossing trailer is 2 minutes long and gives a glimpse into the warm and emotional rollercoaster journey of the film. Appatha is directed by Priyadarshan and produced by Jyoti Deshpande, under the banner of A Wide Angle Creations Production, in association with Suresh Balaje and George Pius.

“Appatha†takes viewers into the world of Kannamma, also known as Appatha, who has spent all her life in the village of Kaayilanpatti. She raises her son by herself after losing her husband while also making a name for herself with her business. Strong and fearless her only true fear is her fear of dogs.

Watch as she reconnects with her estranged son, who brought her to the city only for her to realize she needs to keep an eye on the family dog Zeus while they go on a vacation. The duo goes from trying to stay away from each other to nearly becoming inseparable. Get ready to immerse yourself in the loving world of “Appatha†streaming free exclusively on 29th July 2023 only on JioCinema.

Talking about the movie and sharing her experience, Urvashi said, “As my 700th film, Appatha has been an extraordinary experience and holds a special place in my heart. The story beautifully captures the essence of family bonds, personal growth, and the importance of facing our fears. Working with the talented team led by Priyadarshan has been an absolute delight. I am eagerly looking forward to the audience’s heartfelt experience, as they immerse themselves in the genuine emotions and warmth that ‘Appatha’ has to offer.â€

Director Priyadarshan shared his experience on his journey with the team, “I feel honoured to be part of this project, bringing this heartfelt story to the screen. Through this film, we explore the dynamics of human connections and personal growth, as Kannamma reconnects with her estranged son and confronts her fear of dogs. The genuine chemistry between the actors and the journey they embark on has made this project truly special. I am eagerly looking forward to sharing the emotions and depth of “Appatha†with the audience, hoping it leaves a lasting impression on their hearts.”


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