Li Auto reportedly names three senior VPs in latest restructuring

Li Auto has recently appointed three senior vice presidents as it establishes two new departments including the CEO office, the company responded to TechNode on Tuesday. According to company insiders who spoke to local media outlet Jiemian, the Chinese electric vehicle maker is ramping up restructuring efforts to streamline operations and boost growth. Zou Liangjun now oversees the automaker’s core business aspects, including vehicle sales, customer service, and charging network, reporting directly to Chief Executive Li Xiang. Li Wenzhi heads the financial chief’s office and is helping lead organizational restructuring and corporate finance. Both Zou and Li had been longstanding veterans at Huawei before joining Li Auto earlier this year. Meanwhile, Fan Haoyu, the product head, has also been promoted to senior vice president, according to the report.[[Jiemian, in Chinese]

Correction: An earlier version of this article misidentified one of the two newly-established departments in Li Auto as the CFO’s office, it was the CEO’s office.

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