Limiting methane can be a quick and inexpensive solution to the climate

In December, MEPs will discuss the EC’s proposals for this pollutant

Ограничаването на метана може да е бързо и евтино решение за климата Photo: Reuters Archive

Once they have drawn up a strategy to limit carbon emissions, EU countries will have to prepare for a limit on another dangerous gas for the atmosphere – methane. The European Parliament’s Environment Committee (EP) has backed the European Commission’s plans in this regard, according to Reuters. 61 deputies participating in this commission voted for the proposal, 10 were against, and seven abstained. The methane strategy is expected to enter the EP plenary in December. According to the proposal, all oil and gas companies should measure and monitor their methane emissions, as well as monitor the leakage of methane from the grid and limit such cases. Community countries will be required to accelerate the reduction of methane emissions, which account for about 10% of EU greenhouse gases. Reducing methane emissions can be a quick and cheaper solution to climate change. Methane is a colorless and odorless gas that stays in the atmosphere for a much shorter period than carbon dioxide (12 years), but is considered much more dangerous to the environment. Methane contributes to the formation of ozone near the earth’s surface, which in turn is a major pollutant that severely affects human health. The first EU action to reduce methane emissions dates back to 1996, and compared to 1990 levels, they are half as low in the energy sector. Data from Brussels also show that methane emissions in agriculture are reduced by 1/5, and from waste – by 1/3. Methane spills occur during the transport of natural gas, and due to the characteristics of the gas, they may go unnoticed for some time. Brussels says the EU is the world’s largest importer of natural gas, but much of the emissions from transporting the raw material come from outside the Community. The EU generates 5% of methane emissions worldwide. Emissions are also emitted from coal mining and other energy activities. At the same time, efficient methane management can generate revenue and attract investment to rural areas – for example, methane caught in the decommissioning of agricultural waste can be used to produce biogas. Ограничаването на метана може да е бързо и евтино решение за климата

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