Lineage2M best class and races explained

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Lineage2M best class and races explained

Do you want to know what the best class in Lineage2M is? In this article, you’ll find the answer to that question, as well as all kinds of information regarding classes in the game.

One of the least enjoyable experiences when it comes to MMORPGs is starting a new game, investing time and sometimes even money on your character, only to realize later that the class you chose simply sucks.

It has happened time and time again to countless gamers because let’s face it, not every class is created equal. Sometimes, of course, it comes down to other factors such as playstyle. Many veteran mobile RPG players usually tend to stick with a certain class. 

If you want to save yourself time, effort and potential frustration, below you’ll find everything that there is to know about classes in Lineage 2M. For any new players, we recommend checking out our beginner’s guide for this game! Let’s get into it.


In Lineage2M, classes are defined by the weapon a character is equipped with. Currently, there are six different weapons in total, but not all of them are available to every race. With that being said, let’s see what each weapon brings to the table. 

  • Sword & Shield: Characters who wield a sword and shield are the traditional ‘tanks’. They can absorb a lot of damage thanks to their block mechanic and defensive abilities. They have very straightforward gameplay, maybe not the best in terms of solo PvE, but they are very hard to deal with in PvP thanks to their crowd control (CC) abilities. 
  • Dual Blades: Melee range (at the start) slashers, with high HP pool and sustained damage output. Even though they can be considered ‘off-tanks’, they are primarily a DPS class. 
  • Dagger: If you ever heard the term ‘Glass Cannon’ before, well, that’s exactly what this class is. Melee range, high burst, as well as over time damage output. It’s a class that can take down enemies very fast. Not the best in terms of survivability. Not as great in PvE as it is in PvP.
  • Bow: A ranged class that can deal tons of damage. Similar to ‘Dagger’ class, they are not known for their survivability, and they rely on good positioning and evasion to stay alive. It’s maybe not the most beginner-friendly class to play, but it can be very lethal once mastered. 
  • Orb:  A support class that can heal, as well as provide allies with a ton of different buffs that boost anything from damage output, move speed and defences. 
  • Staff: There’s no RPG without Mages. This is a mid-range class that excels in doing high amounts of damage in an area. It can be very powerful, both in PvP and PvE, but their playstyle isn’t that simple. Because of that, plus the fact that they are not known for their defensive abilities, this isn’t a beginner-friendly class.


You can, of course, make your character based on the class that you want to play, but in some cases, players select based on the race they want to play. In that case, keep in mind that not every class is available to every race. Also, based on race, classes have different ‘Awakening‘ skills. With that being said, let’s see the different races and their available classes in Lineage2M. 

Available Human Classes
An all-around, well-balanced race. Humans worship Einhasad, the Goddess of Light.

Even though as a Human you can pick up any weapon, the recommended classes are Knight and Raider due to the stat distribution and awakening skills. 

Available Elf Classes
Elven KnightElven BladeElven SeekerElven ScoutElven OracleElven Wizard
A quick and ranged race. Elves worship Eva, the Goddess of Water and Music.

Similar to the Human race, Elves can pick up any weapon which means, every class is available. If you decide to play as an Elf, you might want to have a look at the Elven Wizard class. Elven Oracle is also a very solid option.

Dark Elf
Available Dark Elf Classes
Dark WarriorDark AssassinDark RangerDark OracleDark Wizard
A strong, agile race that excels in the use of dark magic. Dark Elves worship Shillen, the Goddess of Death. 

As a Dark Elf, you probably want to spec into Dark Oracle. Keep reading and you’ll understand why. 

Available Orc Classes
Orc KnightOrc ArcherOrc Warlock
A race of aggressive, hostile fighters who live and die on the battlefield. Orcs worship Pa’agrio, the God of Fire.

Orc Knight is a very good choice if you are interested in PvP. It’s a very tanky class with movement speed buffs that can help you close the distance between you and your targets.

Available Dwarf Classes
Dwarven KnightDwarven WarriorDwarven RogueDwarven Cleric
Dwarven warriors are characterized by their impressive physical strength and craftsmanship. They worship Maphr, the Goddess of Earth.

If you want to play as a Dwarf, going Dwarven Warrior (Dual Blades) or Dwarven Cleric are great choices. Thanks to their awakening skill, Dwarfs are probably the best overall class for a dual blade character. 

Best Class in Lineage2M

Most players would agree that Dark Oracle is the best class in the game. With that being said, let’s explain why that’s the case. To start with, this is a class that is very useful in every kind of content. In PvP, every party needs a support, that goes without saying. In PvE, Dark Oracle characters can AFK farm almost forever, without having to use any potions, thanks to their heals and decent damage. Because of that, even as a F2P player, you can level up fast and explore the game. 

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But what about PvP? It really comes down to your playstyle and gear. If you want to play an assassin character, you should go Dagger. If you like nuking many people, then Staff. Now, if your thing is to be unkillable and annoying, Sword & Shield. But again, especially when it comes to PvP, it really depends on your gear and cards. So if you want to excel in that aspect of the game, you must either be very lucky, or willing to spend real money. 

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