Liquid Screen Design Hires Janice Lundberg-Bloomquist

Minneapolis, MN, January 15, 2022 –(– Liquid Screen Design (LSD) has hired Janice Lundberg-Bloomquist as its new Branding and Swagging Consumer Reviewer (B.S.C.S.).

“We are lucky to land Janice,” said Katie Woznak, Liquid Screen Design Branding and Swagging Architect. “Branding and Swagging is in our DNA and there is no one else out there that brings the B.S. to consumer reviews like she can.”

Janice comes to Liquid Screen Design from the Askov Weekly Standard as she has served as its consumer products reviewer and social media influencer since 2001. She has been reviewing products sine 1992 after a stapler jammed while she was teaching 4th grade and wrote a strongly-worded letter to the manufacturer (which she did not send – heaven forbid) and a new career was born. An amateur ukuleleist and enthusiastic coffee addict, Janice lives at home in Mora, Minnesota with her three “children,” a British-shorthair named Smokey, and her two prize-winning Tabbies, Jennifur and Mitchell. Janice was the 2012 Bea Stevenson’s Award Winner for Excellence in Consumer Reviews and Reports and has been featured on the television show Extreme Couponing: Midwest Madness.

Janice will be releasing product reviews bi-weekly of the best new and interesting swag items and all the classics as well starting in early 2022.

About Liquid Screen Design
For over a decade, Liquid Screen Design has been the creative force behind the success of a multitude of brands. The company is known for its innovative ideas, unique products, custom swag solutions, and unbeatable service. Its team brings a wealth of experience to every project and is tapped into leading trends among a broad scope of audiences, enabling them to help each client get the most out of every campaign.

Liquid Screen Design’s cutting-edge designs, depth of knowledge around trends, and focus on deliverables always hits the mark and sets them apart from the competition. With four full-time graphic designers on staff, clients receive complimentary artwork that turns something ordinary into something magical to share with their audiences.

The company serves businesses, organizations, charities, governmental agencies, summer camps, individuals, and more. Those interested in learning more about the company or its products and services are encouraged to visit its official website or by calling 612-234-7230.

Liquid Screen Design
Katie Woznak



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