London, 10 January 2022: Logicalis, a global IT solutions and managed service provider, today announces the launch of their digital workplace solution designed to help organisations manage, measure and scale the collaboration experience for the digital workplace.“Balancing empowerment with productivity is the key to collaboration effectiveness” says Logicalis Chief Operating Officer, Michael Chanter.“The way we work has changed, age demographics have shifted, values are evolving and 41% of millennials say they are stressed most of the time, a group that will account for half the workforce by 2025. We can’t keep extracting additional productivity from our people, something must give. We believe employee empowerment supported and measured by the right collaboration tools is the key to creating a digital workplace fit for a digital generation”.The Logicalis Collaboration suite, built on Cisco and Microsoft technology and delivered as a managed service, is designed to help organisations scale the digital collaboration experience.Chanter adds, “The managed collaboration experience from Logicalis enables customers to proactively manage and improve their collaboration score against best practice outcomes. We report on user adoption, teamwork, communication, endpoint, security and mobility so organisational leaders can work with data-driven insight to improve their digital workplace maturity.”The Logicalis Collaboration suite is the first of three solutions under its new global Digital Workplace Centre of Excellence. The subsequent releases will focus on the employee experience and employee innovation.ENDSAbout Logicalis
Logicalis is an international solutions provider of digital services currently accelerating the digital transformation of its 10,000 customers around the world.Through a globally connected network of specialist hubs, sector-leading experts (in education, financial services, government, healthcare, manufacturing, professional services, retail and telecommunications) and strategic partnerships (including Cisco, Microsoft, HPE, IBM, NetApp, Oracle, ServiceNow, and VMware), Logicalis has more than 6,500 employees focused on understanding customer priorities and enhancing their experience.As Architects of Change, Logicalis’ focus is to design, support, and execute customers’ digital transformation by bringing together their vision with its technological expertise and industry insights. The company, through its deep knowledge in key IT industry drivers such as Security, Cloud, Data Management and IoT, can address customer priorities such as revenue and business growth, operational efficiency, innovation, risk and compliance, data governance and sustainability.The Logicalis Group has annualised revenues of $1.5 billion, from operations in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Africa. It is a division of Datatec Limited, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, with revenues of over $4.1 billion.For more information:
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